CTEK Automation Control Application APN007 User Manual

Page 29

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Application Note – Automation Control Application

APN007 25 July, 2014


Input Definitions – Virtual Numeric Inputs

Input Pins

Any Physical or Virtual Input pin


Output Pins

Any Physical or Virtual pin


Voltage In

Input voltage to the SkyRouter

Temp Cent

Internal Temperature of SkyRouter - C

Temp Farn

Internal Temperature of SkyRouter - F


Signal Strength of cellular signal


Latitude measured by internal GPS


Longitude measured by internal GPS

GPS Speed

Speed measured by internal GPS

GPS Course

Course measured by internal GPS

Sys Errors

System error count as senses by Automation

Time Hr

The current hour reflected in the 24 hour
system clock

Time Min

The current minute reflected in the 24 hour
system clock

Time Hr:Min

The current hours and minutes reflected in the
system clock. Provides a complete 24 hour
clock value.

I/O – Rate

The rate in milliseconds at which all connected
I/O module pins are being scanned and set.
This time represents the time required to
completely process inputs and outputs on all
connected I/O modules.

* Caution – Be sure that pins assigned to other pins are of the same type. Example: Analog to
numeric is OK but Analog to Digital will yield unpredictable results.

Figure 26 - Input Definitions (Numeric)

More About Digital Inputs and Outputs

Understanding The Input and Output Polarity Setting

A digital input pin is evaluated as a 1 or 0 (On or Off, True or False) solely on the voltage level
present at the input pin, or in the case of a virtual pin the value (1 or 0) assigned to it from another
input, output, or program. Simply stated a digital input having greater than 4 volts present on it will
be evaluated as a 1 and that same pin will evaluate to 0 if its input voltage is less than 1 volt.
The polarity setting on an input does not affect the way the pin is evaluated. Instead, the polarity
setting inverts the logic (On or Off) that determines which program will run and if an alarm will be

In the case of a digital output the On state indicates that pin is conducting (sinking current) and
the Off state is when the pin is not conducting. Polarity selection for an output reverses the logic
that will cause a pin to turn on.