Bio-Rad RC DC™ Protein Assay User Manual

Page 5

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Note: Also see DC Protein Assay Instruction Manual for additional
troubleshooting recommendations.



May I use a wavelength other than

750 nm?


What should I do if the protein
pellet is still soft after centrifugation
for 3 to 5 minutes?


What can I do to minimize

interference from supernatant


Yes, absorbance can be measured at

650-750 nm.

Increase the centrifugation duration to
6-10 minutes. Protein pellet may take
longer to dissolve after the addition of

Reagent A´.

Option #1:

A second wash can be performed as

Standard Assay
After step #6, repeat step #4 with
500 µl of Reagent I, repeat step #5

with 160 µl of Reagent II, repeat
step #6 before going on to step #7.

Microfuge Tube Assay
After step #6, repeat step #4 with
125 µl of Reagent I, repeat step #5

with 40 µl of Reagent II, repeat step
#6 before going on to step #7.

Option #2:

At step #6: to maximize supernatant
removal, discard supernatant by

aspiration before going on to step #7.

Option #3:

After step #6, dry tubes under
vacuum to reduce residual
supernatant before going on to

step #7.

Section 6

Troubleshooting Guide

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