Bio-Rad Bio-Scale™ Mini Affi-Prep® Protein A Cartridges User Manual
Page 3

Section 1
Affi-Prep protein A gel consists of highly purified
protein A covalently coupled to a unique macroporous
polymer matrix. This support is intended for use in
medium to high pressure chromatographic applications.
All specifications have been developed using the Affi-
Prep protein A MAPS
II buffers (catalog number 156-
The usefulness of protein A purification for murine
monoclonal antibodies has been limited because, with
published methods, most IgG
retention represents a
significant purification problem. The MAPS buffer
system for protein A affinity chromatography was
developed to optimize the binding and recovery of many
immunoglobulins, especially mouse monoclonal
antibodies. The MAPS buffer system has been shown to
increase protein A’s capacity for IgGs and IgMs from
many different species. Approximately 50% of all IgMs
will bind to protein A when the MAPS buffer system is
used. This buffer system is recommended for use with all
protein A affinity supports.
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