Bio-Rad Bio-Scale™ Mini Affi-Gel® Blue Cartridges User Manual
Page 26

3. Elute the IgG with 10-20 ml application buffer.
Smaller volume fractions should be collected
for more precise collection of the IgG fraction.
4. Optional: Most of the bound albumin can be
eluted by washing the cartridge with 10–20 ml
of elution buffer (D or E).
5. Regenerate the cartridge as recommended in
Section 6.1, Cleaning the Cartridge.
5.2 Purification of Serum Proteins With the
Bio-Scale Mini DEAE Affi-Gel Blue Cartridge
Serum proteins have been purified using linear
gradients on DEAE Affi-Gel Blue gel.1 For gradient
separations on the Bio-Scale Mini DEAE blue
cartridge, an appropriate starting point is a linear
gradient from application buffer (B) to elution buffer
(D) over 60 minutes. The remaining bound proteins
are eluted with elution buffer (E). The flow rate is
usually set between 0.5 and 2.0 ml/min. The
separation can then be optimized by changing the
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