Bio-Rad Bio-Scale™ Mini Affi-Gel® Blue Cartridges User Manual
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Section 4
Preparing a Cartridge For
Bio-Scale Mini Affi-Gel Blue and DEAE Affi-Gel Blue
cartridges contain 0.02 M sodium phosphate buffer
pH 7.4 and 0.05% sodium azide as the storage
solution. The fully hydrated support is ready to use
after equilibrating the cartridge in the buffer of
choice. To perform buffer exchange, connect the
cartridge to a liquid chromatography system or
peristaltic pump and condition it as instructed
Both Bio-Scale Mini affinity cartridges are packed
with sterile buffer containing sodium azide and are
shipped in a fully hydrated state to maximize shelf
life. New cartridges should always be prepared
according to the instructions in this section. Refer to
Table 3 for the formulation of the buffers discussed
in this section. If air is accidently introduced to a
cartridge, it can be easily removed following these
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