Life science group – Bio-Rad UNO® Monolith Cation Exchange Columns User Manual

Page 10

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U.S. (800) 4BIORAD California (510) 741-1000 Australia 02-9914-2800 Austria
(1) 877 89 01 Belgium 09-385 55 11 Canada (905) 712-2771 China (01)2046622
Denmark 39 17 9947 Finland 90 804 2200 France (1) 49 60 68 34 Germany 089
31884-0 India 91-11-461-0103 Italy 02-21609 1 Japan 03-5811-6270 Hong Kong
7893300 The Netherlands 0318-540666 New Zealand 09-443 3099 Singapore (65)
272-9877 Spain (91) 661 70 85 Sweden 46 (0) 735 83 00 Switzerland 01-809 55 55
United Kingdom 0800 181134

Life Science

SIG 020996 Printed in USA

4006078 Rev A

4006078A 10/1/98 10:02 AM Page CVR2

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