Bio-Rad Bio-Plex Pro™ RBM Canine Kidney Toxicity Assays User Manual
Bio-plex pro, Rbm kidney toxicity assays
This guide can be used to prepare and run a full 1 x 96-well assay plate.
For more information on a given step, refer to the corresponding section
of the complete instruction manual. New users can download the manual,
which includes detailed instructions and a list of kit components, at
A. Reagent Preparation
1. Reconstitute the following lyophilized reagents in dH
0 before use
according to the table below.
a. Allow vial to sit at room temperature for a minimum of 5 min, not to
exceed 30 min.
b. Mix by vortexing at a medium setting.
2. Bring the 10x assay buffer to room temperature (RT).
a. Mix by inversion to ensure all salts are into solution.
b. Prepare 1x assay buffer — dilute 1 part 10x assay buffer with
9 parts of dH
Bio-Plex Pro
RBM Kidney Toxicity Assays
Quick Guide
Pay close attention to vortexing, shaking, and incubation instructions.
Deviation from the protocol may result in low assay signal and assay variability.
10. Cover and incubate at 850 ± 50 rpm, as in Step 4, for 30 min at RT.
11. Wash the plate three times with 100 µl 1x assay buffer.
12. After the final wash, resuspend the beads in 100 µl assay buffer. Cover
plate as in Step 4 and shake the plate at 850 ± 50 rpm for 30 sec.
13. Remove the plate seal and read plate at low PMT (Bio-Plex
200), standard
PMT (Bio-Plex 3D), or default settings (Bio-Plex
Bio-Plex Pro Assay Quick Guide
For Use With
Instruction Manual #
Bio-Plex Pro
RBM Human, Rat, and Canine Kidney Toxicity Assays
Volume of
Volume of
SA-PE Dilution
SA-PE, µl
1x Assay Buffer, µl
Total Volume, µl
Volume, µl
Volume, ml
Standards mix
Blocking buffer
Control 1
Standard diluent
Control 2
Detection antibodies
Life Science
Sig 1212
10028259 Rev B
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