Bio-Rad Bio-Plex Pro™ Magnetic Cell Signaling Assays User Manual

Bio-plex pro, Assays, Quick guide 3

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This guide describes how to prepare and run a full 1 x 96-well flat bottom
plate using a magnetic assay workflow. For more information on a given
step, refer to the corresponding section of the complete instruction manual.
New users can download the manual, which includes detailed instructions
and a list of kit components, at

Sample Preparation

1. Prepare lysates from cell culture or tissue samples. To remove insoluble

debris from lysates (≤2 ml), centrifuge at 15,000 x g for 10 min at 4˚C in
a benchtop microfuge. (Section 1 of the complete instruction manual)

2. Measure protein concentration using the Bio-Rad



protein assay.

3. Adjust protein concentration to 20–200 µg/ml in Bio-Plex


cell lysis buffer

containing cell lysis factor QG and PMSF. For samples with unknown
target expression or phosphorylation levels, start with 200 μg/ml protein.

4. If necessary, store lysates at –70˚C.

5. Thaw frozen lysates and keep on ice. Centrifuge again as above and

bring to room temperature (RT) immediately before use.

Bio-Plex Pro


Quick Guide 3


Pay close attention to vortexing, shaking, and incubation instructions.

Deviation from the protocol may result in low assay signal and assay variability.

Do Not

mix phosphoprotein assays with corresponding total target assays (e.g., phospho-Akt
and total Akt). Use only the reagents supplied with cell signaling assay kits.

For Use With:
Product Family

Instruction Manual #

Bio-Plex Pro cell signaling assays