Baseline Systems BACnet Manager User Manual

Bl-bmgr-bacnet bacnet manager install guide

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Rev 11.19.2012


BACnet Manager Install Guide

Software Installation

This document applies to BaseManager 1.4.10 only.

1. If your computer already has a version of BaseManager installed

on it, close the BaseManager software before proceeding.

2. Insert the Baseline installation CD into the computer.

3. If prompted, open a Windows Explorer window of the contents of

the CD; otherwise, open a Windows Explorer window and
navigate to the Baseline CD.

4. Read the Readme.txt file to learn about the changes that have

been made in this version of the software—you may also want to
open the PDF version of this file (BACnet Manager Guide.PDF).

5. Install the updated version of BaseManager by clicking the

installation file, BaseMgr-NETInstall-1.4.10.exe. Install in the default
folder and accept other default settings.

Note: You may be asked to restart your computer during this
installation—after the computer restarts, you may have to restart the
installation if it does not automatically continue.

6. Install the BACnet Manager software by clicking the installation

file, BacMgr-NETInstall-1.0.3.exe. This software must be installed in
the default folder (where BaseManager was installed).

Note: This process will install additional drivers. When prompted, install
everything in default locations and with default settings.