4 pro-lift tines – Great Plains P18432A Operator Manual User Manual

Page 22

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Operating Instructions


4. Adjustment / Operation

4.4 Pro-Lift Tines

The arrangement of the toolbars in a ‘V’

frame gives lower draught requirements and

maximises the loosening effect of each tine.

The depth of the subsurface tines can be

altered by moving the tines vertically relative

to disc depth in their respective clamps using

the 4 holes in the leg. Altering the drawbar

and lift circuit depth will also affect subsoiling

depth as well as discing depth.

Different wings are available to suit the soil

conditions and optimise the performance

of the machine.

It is important to set the machine up

correctly in order to achieve an efficient

and worthwhile operation. Although the SLD

can work down to around 350mm (14”) this

does not mean that running at this depth is

always worthwhile, taking time to identify

where there is a problem in the soil profile

and working to the minimum depth required

will save a lot of otherwise wasted fuel and

time. It is also very important not to operate

below the critical depth of the tine, this is

where the tine no longer produces upward

movement of soil and effectively behaves as

a mole plough, therefore not producing the

shattering effect desired.

If the tines are operating below their critical

depth, this is indicated by a reduced

(minimal) heave/shattering effect coupled

with an extremely high draft requirement.

Under these circumstances either reduce

tine depth, increase the front disc depth to

alleviate the problem or change the type of


Fig. 4.02: Pro-Lift Tines