2 disc units – Great Plains P18432A Operator Manual User Manual

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Operating Instructions


SIMBA SLD is an amalgamation of

time proven, successful Simba design

components brought together to form this

important development. The SLD has been

designed to provide a one pass mix with

a fissured layer at disc depth for through

drainage and root access to lower horizons.

This enables rapid drainage and access after

rain, creating a greater effective capacity for

moisture compared to ploughing for the

same effective total depth of cultivation.

In principle, the machine is a tandem disc

with trip reset Pro-Lift tines, designed for

low draft, high speed operations. The

addition of a rear mounted roll enables

more effective cultivation in one pass. The

leading set of disc blades cultivate the top

horizon, minimising clod formation and

reducing tine loadings and blockage. This

starts the ‘top down’ cultivation process,

retaining weathered tilth in the surface level

for stale seedbed purposes. The trip reset

tines follow the disc blades to shatter at

depth retaining the surface intact to work

as a stale seedbed. This eliminates the

problem of ‘wet years’ in non-plough based

terms. The key to the SLD’s success is

the lower draft tine point and wing which

maintain shatter across the full width of

cultivation. The rear roll or trailing press

then consolidates the surface, cracks any

clods and firms the soil profile before/after

the rear gang completes mixing to depth.

The corrugated top and shattered lower

horizons are left fully weatherproof to any

conditions between cultivation and drilling

whilst retaining moisture below the surface

for rapid straw breakdown and optimum

establishment of the next crop.

4. Adjustment / Operation

4.2 Disc Units

The SLD features two rows of discs which

chop and mix the crop residue. A disc

spacing of 250mm ensures a fine tilth and

being arranged in a symmetrical format

around the centre line of the machine,

crabbing is eliminated, leaving the machine

to pull straight making the most efficient use

of the power available.

The discs fitted to the SLD are 610mm in

diameter (24”). They are manufactured

from heat treated chrome boron steel which

ensures excellent wear resistance and

enhanced working life.

Each disc is mounted on a Pro-Active sprung

leaf linked to a track rod system. Gang

angles can be varied with ease and accuracy

using a graduated adjuster.

Adjustable angling of the discs (between

10°-25°) ensures penetration and stubble

mixing are achieved in one pass. Working

depth can be varied simply via shimmed

adjusters. All this is achieved without

compromise to consolidation.

A level, evenly cultivated finish is maintained

by adjusting the balance of soil throw

between the front and rear disc.

Sprung leaves offer protection against

damage as well as offering a degree of

contour following as they flex up and down

in work.

The centre disc unit can be adjusted

independently of all other disc units to

ensure a level finish across the machine
