Electronic hubodometer – Great Plains Universal Acre Meter User Manual
Page 9
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Electronic Hubodometer
To program the electronic hubodometer use the mag-
netic programming tool included with the meter. A typical
permanent magnet will also work. The tool is used to ini-
tialize and configure the hubodometer bu touching it to
sensor locations on the face of the meter. The hubome-
ter is versatile enough to work with any tire size as well
as to be adjusted for applications with the unit of mea-
sure in miles, kilometers, acres and hectares. Use the
Acre Meter Conversion Chart (for working width and tire
size) along with the Programming Mode instructions to
program the Acre Meter.
Programming Mode
Refer to Figure 4
• The unit enters programming mode when the magnetic
programming tool is held on the left sensor for 6 seconds.
• The display will turn on and show the serial number for 6
seconds. If the programming magnet is continuously
applied during the time the serial number is shown and
for an additional 8 seconds, the meter will wait for the
magnet to be drawn and then will enter the programming
• Once active, there is a 10 second time-out if no further
user input is received and the unit returns to the previous
• The display will show the prompt PROG. Each tap on the
left Mode button advances the programming mode to the
next mode. While programming the meter each tap on the
right sensor changes the current item based on the
Mode 1: Set Unit of Measure
• The display shows “UNITS” and the current measure-
ment unit of measure. All other display features are off. To
change unit of measure tap the right sensor to toggles
through each unit of measure mode (HECTARES,
MILES, KILOMETERS, and back to ACRES). Tapping left
mode button again changes to Mode 2.
Mode 2: Set Counter Ratio
Note: To find the correct ratio value for your machine see
the Acre Meter Conversion Chart on next page.
• This mode is used to set the counter ratio for the unit
of measure that is currently displayed. All display fea-
tures are off except the ratio number (showing the cur-
rent ratio value). The left most digit of the ratio will be
flashing. To change the digit value, tap the right sen-
sor. The digit will then incrament. Continue to tap the
right sensor to increment to the desired value.
• To select a different digit tap the left program sensor to
sequence through the digits and then tap the right
sensor when the desired digit is flashing to increment
the value as above/ When programming each digit a
change from 9 to 0 does not affect the next digit. Tap-
ping the left mode button again advances to the next
digit. Once the right most digit has been passed the
display shows the entered value. Tapping the left
mode button again changes to Mode 3.
Mode 3: Preset
• At this point the user can set the meter to the desired
starting count. This does affect non-resettable back
ground total. The factory default is “000000” if this fea-
ture is not needed, tap the left target repeatedly and
leave the digits set to zero. Tapping the right target will
increment the digit. Tapping the left target once will
move it to the next digit to the right. When all the digits
are set, tapping the left target once more will make the
display show: Example: set to 125750.
Mode 4: Security Lock
• This is where the user will turn on or off the security
lock feature. Tapping the right target will toggle it
between “ON” and “OFF”. Warning-If the Security lock
feature is set to “ON” when the units leave the program
Use left mode button
to enter and toggle
through the
programming modes
Use right mode but-
ton to toggle through
selection settings in
the individual modes
Figure 4
Meter Display