Great Plains YP1625 Material Rate User Manual

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Great Plains Mfg., Inc.




Table of Contents


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. All rights Reserved.

Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of this manual, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for
damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as
it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the future.

Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include: Singulator Plus, Swath Command, Terra-Tine.

Registered Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include:

Air-Pro, Clear-Shot, Discovator, Great Plains, Land Pride, MeterCone, Nutri-Pro, Seed-Lok, Solid Stand,

Terra-Guard, Turbo-Chisel, Turbo-Chopper, Turbo Max, Turbo-Till, Ultra-Till, Verti-Till, Whirlfilter, Yield-Pro.

Brand and Product Names that appear and are owned by others are trademarks of their respective owners.

Printed in the United States of America

Introduction ................................................................ 1
Covered Models........................................................... 1

Covered YP1225 Models ......................................... 1
Covered YP1625 Models ......................................... 1

Document Family ......................................................... 1
Setting Planting Rate ................................................... 1
Setting Fertilizer Rate .................................................. 1
Singulated Planting Overview .................................. 2
Singulated Rate Setting Overview ............................... 2
Hydraulic Drive Meter Rate.......................................... 3
Ground Drive Meter Rate............................................. 4

Drive Speed Range Sprockets................................. 5
Transmission Sprockets........................................... 5

Checking Planting Rate ............................................... 6

Checking Singulated Rates...................................... 6

Singulated Seed Spacing............................................. 8

(U.S. Customary Units, page 1 of 2 ) ....................... 8
(U.S. Customary Units, page 2 of 2) ........................ 9

Singulator Plus Meter Planting............................... 10
Reading a Singulator Plus Rate Chart ....................... 10
RPM Limit Charts....................................................... 12

RPM Limits: Cotton 120 Cell .................................. 12
RPM Limits: Milo 102 Cell ...................................... 13
RPM Limits: Milo 135 Cell ...................................... 14
RPM Limits: Milo 270 Cell ...................................... 15
RPM Limits: Soybean 100 Cell .............................. 16
RPM Limits: Soybean 110 Cell .............................. 17

Singulator Plus Ground Drive Charts......................... 18

Cotton, 30in, 120 Cell ............................................ 18
Cotton, 36in, 120 Cell ............................................ 19
Milo, 102 Cell, Low Rate ........................................ 20
Milo, 102 Cell ......................................................... 21
Milo, 135 Cell, Low Rate ........................................ 22
Milo, 135 Cell ......................................................... 23
Milo, 270 Cell ......................................................... 24
Soybeans, 100 Cell (1 of 2) ................................... 25
Soybeans, 100 Cell (2 of 2) ................................... 26
Soybeans, 110 Cell (1 of 2) ................................... 27

Soybeans, 110 Cell (2 of 2) ................................... 28

Finger Meter Planting .............................................. 30
Reading a Finger Meter Rate Chart .......................... 30

Hydraulic or Ground Drive ..................................... 30
Finger Meter Adjustments...................................... 32

Finger Meter Brush Adjustment ......................... 32
Finger Meter Inserts........................................... 33

Hydraulic Drive Finger Meter RPM Limit Charts........ 34

RPM Limits: 6 Finger ............................................. 34
RPM Limits: 12 Finger ........................................... 35

Ground Drive Finger Meter Charts ............................ 36

20in Rows, 6 Finger............................................... 36
20in Rows,12 Finger.............................................. 37
Twin Row 30in, 6 Finger, Low Range.................... 38
Twin Row 30in, 6 Finger, High Range ................... 39
Twin Row 30in,12 Finger ....................................... 40
30in Rows, 6 Finger............................................... 41
30in Rows,12 Finger, Low Range.......................... 42
30in Rows,12 Finger, High Range......................... 43
Twin Row 36in, 6 Finger ........................................ 44
Twin Row 36in,12 Finger ....................................... 45
36in Rows, 6 Finger............................................... 46
36in Rows,12 Finger.............................................. 47

Finger Meter Sprocket Indexing (Stagger) ............ 48
Sprocket Indexing Charts .......................................... 49

30in Twin Row Sprocket Indexing ......................... 49
36in Twin Row Sprocket Indexing ......................... 50

Indexing Fine Adjustment .......................................... 51

6-Finger Meter Stagger Adjustment....................... 51
12-Finger Meter Stagger Adjustment..................... 52

Fertilizer Rate........................................................... 53

Orifice Plate Selection ........................................... 53
Determine Orifice Size........................................... 54

Ground Drive Fertilizer Rate ...................................... 55

JohnBlue Fertilizer Rates................................... 56
JohnBlue Reference Data.................................. 57

Setting Relief Valve ............................................... 58

Strainer ...................................................................... 58

This manual is related to the following products: