Great Plains Uni-Press User Manual

Page 15

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The action of the sprung leaf type levelling boards is to carry and drop soil to level in

front of the press rings, to rub clod against clod for additional soil breakdown, to force clods
down into the soil profile and to present remaining clods passing between the leaves into the
front row of press rings.

With the chassis set level, lower the levelling boards until they are carrying soil. The

levelling boards will need to be set higher during 1st pass operations especially on ploughed
land where large clods may not be able to pass under or between the sprung leaves.

The boards need to carry a certain amount of soil to effect a levelling operation and also

to give a clod to clod crushing action. Use the hydraulics to raise and lower the boards to
carry more or less soil when levelling the headland troughs for example.

When reversing the Uni-press into corners when working headlands ensure that the

levelling boards are fully raised and the machine tilted onto the rear set of rings far enough to
allow the lower ends of the sprung leaves to clear the ground.


Some Uni-press models are fitted with an optional hydraulic rear drawbar. This may be

used to trail a second roll. The hydraulic cylinders on the front and rear drawbars are linked
together for headland turns and for coupling up to other implements.

In work the Uni-press lift circuit should be run in the FLOAT position on the tractor spool to
allow the combination to find the easiest line of pull, ensuring the rear drawbar cylinder is
isolated in the work (lower) setting. Also ensure the the rear drawbar cylinder is isolated off
for safety during transport.