LaMotte Soil Test Kit 5679 User Manual

Page 4

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3. Cap and shake gently for one minute.
4. Allow tube to stand for 10 minutes to let soil settle.
5. Match color reaction with pH Color Chart. Record result as pH.


1. Fill test tube (0755) to line 6 with *Phosphorus Extracting Solution


2. Use 0.5g spoon (0698) to add three measures of soil sample.
3. Cap and gently shake for one minute.
4. Remove cap. Allow to stand and soil to settle until liquid above soil is


5. Use one pipet (0364) to transfer the clear liquid to a second clean test

tube. To avoid agitation of soil squeeze bulb of pipet before inserting
tip into liquid. Release bulb slowly to draw clear liquid into pipet. Do
not pull up any soil. Fill second tube to line 3.

6. Add six drops of *Phosphorus Indicator Reagent (5705) to soil

extract in second tube.

7. Cap and shake to mix contents.
8. Add one *Phosphorus Test Tablet (5706).
9. Cap and shake to dissolve tablet. A blue color will develop.
10. Match test color with Phosphorus Color Chart. Record as



1. Fill test tube (0755) to line 7 with Ni tro gen Ex tracting So lu tion


2. Use 0.5g spoon to add two mea sures of soil sam ple.
3. Cap and gently shake for one min ute.
4. Re move cap and al low soil to set tle.
5. Use a clean pipet (0364) to trans fer the clear liq uid to a sec ond clean

test tube. To avoid ag i ta tion of soil squeeze bulb of pipet be fore
in sert ing tip into liq uid. Re lease bulb slowly to draw clear liq uid into
pipet. Do not pull up any soil. Fill sec ond tube to line 3 with liq uid.

6. Use 0.25 g spoon (0695) to add two mea sures of *Ni tro gen In di ca tor

Pow der (5703) to soil ex tract in sec ond tube.

7. Cap and gently shake to mix. Wait 5 min utes for pink color to

de velop above the pow der.

8. Match test color with Ni tro gen Color Chart. Re cord as Ni tro gen.