LaMotte KICK-NET 3-0021-P User Manual

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General Identification Keys

Lehmkuhl, D. 1979, How to Know the Aquatic Insects. Pictured Key Nature
Series, W. C. Brown, Co. Dubuque, IA.

Merritt, R.W. and K. W. Cummins (eds). An Introduction to the Aquatic
Insects of North America. 2nd edition. Kendall/Hunt Publisher, Dubuque,

McCafferty, W.P. 1981. Aquatic entomology: The Fisherman’s and
Ecologist’s Guide to Insects and Their Relatives. Science Books
International, Boston, MA.

Needham, J.G. and P.R. Needham. 1965. A Guide to the Study of
Freshwater Biology. 5th ed. Holden-Day, Inc., San Francisco, CA.

Peckarsky, B.L., P.R. Fraissinet, M.A. Penton, and D.J. Conklin, Jr. 1990.
Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Northeastern North America. Comstock
Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

Pennak, R.W. Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. 3rd edition.
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Somerset, NJ.

Thorp, J.H., and A.P. Covich (eds). 1991. Ecology and Classification of
North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic Press, Harcourt Brace
Jovanich, Publishers. San Diego, CA.