Winchester Repeating Arms 70 User Manual
Page 30

3. Raise the bolt handle and remove the bolt from the
rifle as explained previously.
4. Depress the small breech bolt sleeve lock with your
thumb (Figure 21) and turn the breech bolt sleeve to
the left (counterclockwise looking from the rear of the
bolt). It takes about six turns for the breech bolt
sleeve (and the connected firing pin assembly) to
unscrew from the breech bolt. Carefully pull the entire
assembly out of the breech bolt.
5. Be extremely careful to leave the “safety” in the
intermediate position.
6. Do not disassemble the firing pin assembly any further
than shown in Figure 22.
7. Carefully wipe clean and very lightly oil the assembly.
Aerosol lubricants are excellent for forcing out any
dirt, grit or moisture.
1. Screw the firing pin assembly back into the breech
bolt until the breech bolt sleeve lock engages the
notch in the breech bolt.
Should the “safety” be inadvertently put in the
forward (fire) position with the firing pin removed,
the firing pin will be released forward and locked
in the forward position. This makes reassembling
the firing pin into the breech bolt somewhat
more difficult.
6. Wipe all exposed metal surfaces with a lightly oiled
cloth making certain that all finger marks are
removed. Finger marks provide a place where moisture
can accumulate. The metal of the gun should receive
a light film of oil any time the rifle has been exposed
to weather or handling.
7. Wood surfaces can also be wiped with a quality,
lightweight gun oil or they can be polished with
any quality furniture wax (but not both).
beFore PerForMing bolt disasseMbly
Procedures, Place the “saFety” in the
interMediate Position. oPen the action
and MaKe certain your riFle is coMPletely
unloaded. KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direction. Failure to Follow these warnings
could result in serious injury or death.
wear eye Protection when disasseMbling and
cleaning your riFle to Prevent sPrings, sPring-
loaded Parts, solvents or other agents FroM
contacting your eyes, resulting in injury.
KeeP all aMMunition away FroM the cleaning
area. never test the Mechanical Function oF
your riFle with live aMMunition. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
One of the unique advantages of a Model 70 is the
ability to fieldstrip the bolt for cleaning the firing pin
mechanism. Under very harsh weather conditions and in
dirty environments just knowing that all firing pin parts
are clean and lightly oiled can add an extra measure of
confidence to your hunt.
Make sure you have a clean place to work and put the
bolt components in order as they are disassembled.
Disassembling the bolt can be done in the field, but
remember, there are small parts involved, some of which
are under spring tension.
1. To remove the bolt, the firing pin must be in the
cocked position. If it already is, proceed to step 2.
If not, first perform the following: With the rifle
unloaded and the muzzle pointed in a safe direction,
cock the firing pin by raising and lowering the
bolt handle.
2. Place the “safety” in the intermediate position.
Firing Pin
The bolt shown disassembled.
Press the bolt sleeve lock. Unscrew the bolt sleeve.