Winchester Repeating Arms 70 User Manual
Page 28
Your Model 70 will function better and more reliably
over a longer period of time if it is properly maintained
and kept clean. Clean your firearm after every day of
shooting, and more often if it becomes excessively dirty.
A minimum cleaning includes wiping down the firearm
and oiling key parts. Regular maintenance will also
include cleaning the barrel.
If you encounter a function problem be sure to give your
firearm a thorough cleaning to see if it solves the problem
before seeking the services of a Winchester Authorized
Repair Center or our Service Center in Arnold, Missouri
or a qualified gunsmith.
1. Remove the bolt as explained previously.
2. Inspect the chamber and bore for powder fouling.
A normal amount of powder residue can be expected
and is not serious. It can usually be removed with
a patch saturated with nitro solvent.
Use a cleaning rod with a tip and patch large enough
for a snug fit in the bore. Insert the rod and patch into
the barrel at the breech end and run it back and forth
several times. Care should be exercised to ensure that
the cleaning rod does not strike the crown of the
muzzle, as damage to this area can affect the accuracy
of your rifle.
If, or when, fouling should become heavy, it can be
removed with a brass bore brush. Dip or spray the
brush with nitro solvent and scrub the chamber and
bore until the fouling is removed. To prevent brass
bristles from breaking off, the brush should be pushed
completely through the barrel before being withdrawn.
To maintain the utmost accuracy of your rifle it is
recommended you clean the bore with a copper
solvent. Modern bullet jackets are made mainly of
copper. Residues from copper bullet jackets stick to
the barrel and require more frequent cleaning.
Magnum calibers will require more frequent
inspection and cleaning. Swab the bore of your rifle
with a good copper solvent using the manufacturer’s
recommended procedure.
3. After all fouling has been removed, the chamber and
bore should be wiped dry. When the bore is dry, pass a
slightly oiled patch through it for preservation. A fine,
light gun oil is recommended.
4. Inspect the barrel and chamber to be certain no
patches have inadvertently been left in them. Remove
any that remain.
5. Use a small brush or rag to remove dirt or other
foreign matter from inside the receiver and other parts
of the action. Lightly lubricate all moving parts with a
high-quality, light gun oil. Use oil sparingly, a very
light film is sufficient. A fine, light gun oil is ideally
suited for this purpose.
NOTICE! do not Pour large quantities oF oil into
the receiver or other Parts. it can drain into
the wood and soFten it, causing PerManent
daMage and loosening oF the stocK.
8. Tighten the screws snugly, but do not overtighten.
9. Mount your scope rings and scope as outlined in the
instructions supplied with your scope rings and/or
scope. Always make sure you have the proper eye relief.
Always make sure that the saddle crossbolts and cap
bolts are fully tightened before using your firearm.
NOTICE! Please taKe note oF the Following
inForMation beFore cleaning your FirearM.
Be especially careful when cleaning firearms with
camouflage, Dura-Touch
Armor Coating and other
special finishes. Always prevent these surfaces from
coming in contact with cleaning solvents, barrel scrubbers
and other strong chemicals. It is preferable to clean these
surfaces with a light gun oil containing no solvents or
with a damp cloth and mild dish soap (be sure to keep
water out of the action). When cleaning your firearm’s
bore and action, protect the external finishes from any
contact with chemicals used. Also, avoid any contact between
external finishes and other strong chemicals like those found
in DEET-containing insect repellents, sunscreens, etc.
Damage to camouflage, Dura-Touch and other finishes caused
by chemicals is irreversible and not repairable.
beFore PerForMing cleaning Procedures,
Place the “saFety” in the interMediate Position.
oPen the action and MaKe certain your riFle is
coMPletely unloaded. KeeP the MuZZle
Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to Follow
these warnings could result in serious injury
or death.
wear eye Protection when disasseMbling and
cleaning your riFle to Prevent sPrings, sPring-
loaded Parts, solvents or other agents FroM
contacting your eyes, resulting in injury.
KeeP all aMMunition away FroM the cleaning
area. never test the Mechanical Function oF
your riFle with live aMMunition. Failure to
Follow these warnings could result in serious
injury or death.
If your Model 70 is equipped with the BOSS accuracy
device please refer to special instructions on cleaning
found in the BOSS special supplement manual. If your
special BOSS manual is missing, write or call our
Customer Service Department for a free copy, or
download a copy at