Winchester Repeating Arms 70 User Manual

Page 20

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2. Position the magazine correctly with bullets pointing

forward toward the muzzle.

3. Slide the magazine upward into position evenly, front

to back, to prevent binding.

4. Make sure the magazine snaps into place in the

magazine opening.










1. Place the safety in the intermediate position.
2. Open the bolt, extracting the cartridge in the chamber.
3. Leave the bolt open.
4. Depress the magazine release latch and remove the

magazine from the firearm.

5. Using your thumb, slide the cartridges forward,

removing them one at a time.



never chaMber a cartridge or Move the
“saFety” FroM the on saFe Position unless
shooting is iMMinent. always KeeP the MuZZle
Pointed in a saFe direction. Failure to Follow
these warnings could result in serious injury
or death.

1. Load a cartridge into the chamber (as explained

previously) from the magazine or directly to the chamber.

2. With a cartridge in the chamber, you need only move

the “safety” to the off safe position to make the rifle

ready for firing.

3. When ready to fire, move the “safety” to the off safe

position, take aim and squeeze the trigger.

4. After a cartridge is fired, cycle the bolt rearward to

eject the empty case. If you wish to continue shooting,

push the bolt fully forward. This picks up a loaded

cartridge from the magazine and chambers it. You

may continue to fire the rifle in this manner until

the magazine is empty by pulling the trigger to fire

each cartridge.

5. If you are done shooting, leave the bolt to the rear,

with the breech in the open position so that you may

visually inspect the chamber, barrel and magazine to

be sure they contain no cartridges.

aFter Firing, or when shooting is no longer
iMMinent, iMMediately Place the “saFety”
in the on saFe Position. Failure to Follow
these warnings could result in serious injury
or death.
even with the bolt oPen aFter shooting, do not
assuMe the riFle is unloaded. always insPect


3. When ready to shoot, close the bolt to load the single

cartridge from the magazine into the chamber.

the riFle is now ready to Fire by siMPly Moving
the “saFety” to the oFF saFe Position and
Pulling the trigger.







Some models are fitted with a special, detachable type

box magazine. These models are often referred to with

the abbreviation “DBM” in their model name. If your

Model 70 has a detachable box magazine, follow the

instructions below.











1. With the “safety” in the intermediate position, lift the

bolt handle and pull the bolt back all the way.

2. Remove the detachable magazine from the rifle by

pressing the magazine release latch. Make certain that

bullet points are pointing to the front of the magazine.

3. Place the base of the cartridge on the magazine

follower between the lips on the magazine body and

the lips on the magazine follower. Do not attempt to

force the case base down between the wave-shaped

steps at the front of the feed lips on the magazine body

as this can damage the magazine.

4. Press the cartridge down with your thumb until it can

be pushed rearward under the lips. It may help to push

the rear of the follower down a bit with the thumb of

your other hand to facilitate sliding the cartridge back

under the magazine body lips.

5. Push the cartridge fully to the rear of the magazine so

there is maximum clearance between the bullet point

and the front of the magazine body.

6. Repeat by pressing the base of another cartridge down

on the previous cartridge, just forward of the magazine

lips. Again, slide the entire cartridge under the lips

and fully rearward. It helps to use your other hand to

push down a bit on the rear of the cartridge already in

the magazine. Do this until the magazine is fully loaded.

Do not attempt to fill the magazine beyond capacity, as

this may cause malfunctions or damage to the magazine.

7. With the safety in the intermediate position, you may

add another round to the rifles capacity by placing a

cartridge in the chamber, closing the bolt and then

placing the loaded magazine in the firearm as

explained below.

Do not carry a firearm with a cartridge in the chamber

to avoid accidental discharge.








1. Before inserting the magazine into the magazine

well of your rifle, first make sure the safety is in the

fully on or the intermediate position.