Winchester Repeating Arms 70 User Manual

Page 27

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Gently move the rear sight blade holder to the right with

your fingers. Your gun will now shoot more to the right.

Moving the blade holder to the left is just as easily done.

The position of the rear sight base with respect to the

sight mount on the barrel is marked with index lines. Note

how much you adjust the sight as you sight in your rifle.


• Move the rear sight to the right to shoot farther to

the right on the target.

• Move the rear sight to the left to shoot farther to

the left on the target.






beFore Mounting a scoPe, sight or other
accessories to your riFle, Place the “saFety” in
the interMediate Position. oPen the action and
MaKe certain your riFle is coMPletely unloaded.
KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direction.
Failure to Follow these warnings could result
in serious injury or death.

The top of the Model 70 receiver is drilled and tapped

for scope bases. Each scope base is mounted using two screws.

The scope base holes are usually fitted with filler screws.
NOTICE! always use the correct bases For this
riFle and the aPProPriate length screws.

1. Place your rifle in a gun vise or on a table or other

safe/secure location. Protect the finish with rags or

other padding.

2. You should have a compatible one- or two-piece style

base and four screws of the correct length.

3. Clean all oil, grease or dirt from the receiver top and

from the scope base parts.

4. Position your rifle with the top of the receiver upward.
5. Remove the four filler screws from the top of the

receiver using a very small, thin-bladed gunsmithing-

type screwdriver.

6. Pre-position the bases on the receiver top to determine

the best orientation of the bases.

7. Insert the screws through the bases and screw them

into the receiver top using the correct tool.

You must use screws of the appropriate length to ensure

proper thread engagement. Once the bases are

installed, check inside the receiver to verify that the

base mounting screws are not too long and interfering

with the operation of the bolt.

Many gunsmiths find it helpful to use a drop of

serviceable thread locking compound to assure the

screws stay tight. Make sure the thread locking

compound does not get into the action or trigger.

Be careful to assure that the threads of each screw

engage properly in the threads in the receiver to

prevent stripping the threads in the receiver.

To decrease the amount of overtravel, turn the

adjustment screw closest to the action in a clockwise

direction using a




" Allen wrench.

NOTICE! iF the overtravel screw is turned in
too Far, the trigger cannot be Pulled Far
enough to release the sear and Fire the riFle.
turn the screw counterclocKwise until the
trigger can be Pulled.
6. When finished making the adjustment, place a drop

of serviceable thread locker on the adjustment screw.

7. Place the barreled action back in the stock and

reinstall the magazine box (if necessary) and

bottom metal. Torque the two action screws to

35 inch-pounds.





beFore adjusting the sights, Place the “saFety”
in the interMediate Position. oPen the action
and MaKe certain your riFle is coMPletely
unloaded. KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe
direction. Failure to Follow these warnings
could result in serious injury or death.

Some Model 70 rifles are fitted with open sights. The

style and adjustment system may vary between models

and grades. The proper procedure is to shoot a group with

the sights set as they come from the factory (intermediate

position on both elevation and windage), and then make

incremental adjustments to move the rear sight blade and

blade holder to position the group on your target. The

procedures below are for a common style of open sights

found on Model 70 rifles.










Adjusting your rifle to shoot higher requires you to

raise the rear notch on your rifle’s rear sight elevation

adjustment. With most Model 70 sights this is

accomplished by first loosening the screw on the

elevation adjustment and then moving the rear sight

blade (the part with the rear notch) upward. Use your

fingers to lift it up, then retighten the screw. Marked

index lines give you a reference as you adjust the sight.

Adjusting the sight to make your rifle shoot lower is

just the opposite — move the rear sight blade down.


• Move the rear sight blade up to shoot higher on

the target.

• Move the rear sight blade down to shoot lower on

the target.











On some Model 70 sights, the entire rear sight blade holder

is dovetailed in the rear sight base. To adjust for windage,

first loosen the rear sight windage screw, which secures

the rear sight blade holder in the dovetail on the base.