Ccaauuttiioonnss aanndd w waarrnniinnggss, Ddeessccrriippttiioonn, Ppllaacciinngg iinnttoo ooppeerraattiioonn – Weller WD2000M User Manual

Page 13: Ooppeerraattiinngg iinnffoorrm maattiioonn

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Thank you for placing your trust in our company by
purchasing the Weller WMRP Micro-Soldering Pencil.
The ergonomic anti-static design, the quick-change
plug-in micro-soldering tips, extremely fast tool heat
up, and an auto-off feature when placed in the tool
holder, provide the superior performance, versatility,
and quality established by Weller.

11.. CCaauuttiioonnss aanndd W


Please read these Operating Instructions and the
attached Safety Information carefully prior to initial
operation. Failure to observe the safety warnings may
result in accident, injury, or risk to health.

The manufacturer shall not be liable for damage result-
ing from misuse or unauthorized alterations of the

Warning: This product, when used for soldering and
similar applications, produces chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or
other reproductive harm.

SSaaffeettyy IInnffoorrm


Always place the soldering iron in the original hold-

Remove all inflammable objects from the proximity
of the hot soldering tool.

Use suitable protective clothing. There is a risk of
burns from molten solder.

Never leave the hot soldering iron unattended.

Never work on electrically live circuits or compo-

Always wear eye protection when working with sol-
dering and desoldering applications.

22.. DDeessccrriippttiioonn

An extremely powerful 40 W fine soldering iron with the
heating system integrated into the soldering tip. Thanks
to a plug-in system, the soldering tip can be changed
without tools. The soldering tip temperature is reached
rapidly and controlled precisely. Thanks to a sensor
installed in the handle, the soldering iron is shut off
automatically when it is placed in the WMRH holder.

33.. PPllaacciinngg iinnttoo OOppeerraattiioonn

Place the soldering iron in the WMRH tool stand and
ensure that the soldering iron grip is correctly seated
against the tool holder ( 1 ). Move all combustible
objects away from the soldering iron and the work

area. Insert the connector plug ( 5 ) in the power

supply receptacle and lock it by turning clockwise. Turn
the station’s power switch “On” and set the desired
temperature. When the tool reaches the set tempera-
ture, tin the soldering tip with solder.

44.. OOppeerraattiinngg IInnffoorrm


CChhaannggiinngg tthhee ssoollddeerriinngg ttiipp

Caution, risk of burns!

Soldering tips must only be changed when cool. The tip
change does not require tools. The soldering tip is
removed by simply grasping the soft grip of the solder-
ing tip and pulling from the tool. A tip is inserted by
pushing the plug end of the tip into the front end recep-
tacle of the hand piece.



Always ensure that the soldering tip is properly seated.

When installing a new soldering tip, ensure that the sol-
dering tip is inserted completely up to the stop in a sin-
gle motion. Operation with a soldering tip that is not
completely inserted can cause the tip to malfunction.

During initial heat-up, tin the soldering tip with solder.
This removes oxide layers and contamination on the
soldering tip. Before placing the tool in the holder,
always ensure the soldering tip is well tinned. The use
of an aggressive flux may shorten tip life.

Always keep the cleaning sponge ( 4 ) damp. Use only
distilled or de-ionized water.

In addition to the informaton included in this manual,
please see the safety manual and the instructions for
the applicable power unit.

SSuubbjjeecctt ttoo tteecchhnniiccaall cchhaannggee w

wiitthhoouutt nnoottiiccee!!

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