Valco Baby Tri-mode Graco User Manual
Page 3

position the car seat so that the infant
is facing the handlebar of the stroller.
line up the car seat to the adaptor
frame ensuring that the car seat latch
(red lever on back of car seat) rests
under the adaptor frame.
once the car seat is in position, take
the second set of tether straps and
place them through the sides of the car
seat, (where a seat belt would go) and
connect via the buckle.
ensure that the strap is tight and
securely fastened by pulling on the free
end of the strap.
to reMoVe the car seat:
detach the straps (reversing the process
outlined in e) and lift up the red leVer
located on the back of the car seat.
to reMoVe the adaptor:
detach the straps secured beneath the
locate the two nylon release buttons
that sits below the frame at each side of
the stroller.
press the release button and lift the
adaptor bar out of the nylon housings.
Insert the Car Seat
Remove Adaptor
Secure the Car Seat