4 ape gate merge loop detector card, Ape gate merge loop detector card – Unitec American Parking Equipment User Manual
Page 27
Document Title:
Unitec APE Gate and Gate Controller for Multi-Lane Applications Installation Guide
• More than one loop connected to one detector – if you are experiencing a
low sensitivity problem with two loops on one detector, add a second loop
detector. Two loops on one detector = half the sensitivity.
The following things can cause detector lock up or intermittent detection:
• Cross-talk between adjacent loops due to both having the same operating
frequency. Use a different operating frequency for each loop detector.
• Inadequate loop spacing – keep loops a minimum of four feet apart.
• Loop wire vibration in the saw cut – use backer rod.
• Lead-in wires not twisted – twist lead-in wire at least six turns per foot.
• Power lines close to the loop – keep at least six feet away from power
2.4 APE Gate Merge Loop Detector Card
After merge zone vehicle detection loops have been installed, their leads must be
connected to a Loop Detector card inside of a gate. If only one merge loop is installed
at a two lane site, the detector card can be in either gate, and the wiring will be to the
Wash Select II controlling the gate with the detector card. If more than one merge
loop is used, each loop connects to a detector card installed in the gate associated
with that lane.
An additional Loop Detector card should be ordered for each gate that will have a
merge zone loop wired to it. The CPE/APE Gate accommodates up to two Loop
Detector modules. The modules are small printed circuit boards that are plugged in to
connectors on the Gate backplane board just above the power supply. The two
connectors are labeled “J3 Reset Detector” and “J4 Arming/Vend Det”.
One Detector card, plugged into J3, is supplied with every gate and is used to keep
the gate open until the car has passed. If a Merge Loop is used, a second card is
plugged into J4.
When a Merge Loop card is present in J4, jumper 1 (J1) must be removed from
the Auto Gate Controller card located inside the metal case on the side opposite
the power supply and motor.
Do not plug or unplug cards or jumpers while power is present. Be
sure the GATE ON-OFF toggle switch is in the OFF position.