Starlight Xpress SXVR-H694C User Manual
Page 9

Handbook for the SXVR-H694C
Issue 1 March 2012
The synthesis control panel contains several options for correcting colour bias and
1) Daylight Image? – If an unfiltered lens is used, the infra-red content of the
light will tend to produce a Green – Blue shift in the balance. A partial
correction of this bias is provided by selecting this option, but the best option
is to use an infra-red blocking filter when taking daylight shots (see 5 below).
2) Light Pollution Correction: - This option is for deep sky colour images,
where a strong colour bias is often present in the sky background. This option
attempts to return the background colour to a neutral grey.
3) Colour Smoothing Filter: - Applies a low pass filter to the colour data to
smooth out colour noise.
4) Apply Anti-Alias: - Runs a special filter over the colour data to remove
coloured artefacts around sharp edges. This is especially useful for cleaning up
erratically coloured star images.
5) IR Filter Used? – Sets the colour balance to allow for the loss of infra-red
content when using an IR blocking filter.
6) Stretching: - A selection of contrast-boosting options which are preset for
various subjects.
7) Remove Background: - This option will adjust the sky background brightness
to give an optimum background level.
8) High Pass filters: - Automatically sharpen the luminance data to emphasise
fine details. Most useful for sharpening planetary images but will also increase
the noise content.
I suggest that you switch on the Colour smoothing filter and the Anti-alias filter – you
can experiment with the other options as you gain more experience. Now click on
‘Create image’ and you should see that the grid pattern disappears and is replaced by
colour image data.