Inking with a computer, Dentifying an unknown object – Sky-Watcher AZ114 MOUNT User Manual

Page 14

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inking with A Computer

Another feature of SynScan


AZ is the ability to connect to a computer via a serial

communication cable. Many commercially available planetarium softwares can be used to

control SynScan


AZ. SynScan


AZ Version 3.00 and later is compatible with Celestron

NexStar 5i/8i, NexStar GPS, or Synta SkyWatcher Mount command protocol.

Make sure that the telescope has been aligned.

Connect the RS-232 cable to the RJ-11 connector on the

hand control and to the COM-port of your computer (Fig.s).





Do not use RS-232 cable other than the one provided to

connect between the hand control and your computer. It

may damage your computer or the hand control. If you are

making your own cable based on the information provided

in Appendix B, make sure that only pin 2, 3 and 5 connect

to the com connector on your computer.

Do not disengage the SynScan AZ unit before you disengage the program. Doing so may

cause some programs to freeze.


RJ- 11

Hand Control

1= EXPD+

2= TD

3= GND

4= EXPD-

5= RD

6= +12V

RJ-11 Pin-outs

6 5 4 3 2 1

In the planetarium software of your choice, choose

"Celestron NexStar 5i", "Celestron NexStar 8/9/11 GPS",

or “Synta Skywatcher Mount” in the driver setup menu

and follow the instructions provided by your program to

establish the connection to the telescope. The SynScan


AZ should be under the full control of your computer once

the connection is successfully established.

When you are finished, follow the instructions provided by

your software to close the connection to the telescope.

See Appendix C for

more information on

RS-232 connection.


dentifying an Unknown Object



AZ has the ability to identify the unknown object the telescope

is currently pointing at. To do so, simply:

Press the ID key (Fig.r) or scroll down to IDENTIFY in the main

menu and press ENTER to identify the object.

The hand control will display a list containing the closest known

object in each M, IC, NGC, and Named Star catalogs and its

distance to the exact location where the telescope is pointed.

Use the scroll keys to view these objects.

Press ESC to exit from this function.





This manual is related to the following products: