2 menu items, 1 master, 2 limiter – Reloop RMX-80 DIGITAL User Manual
Page 21: 3 cue set, 4 tlkovr (talkover), 5 iso xovr (isolator crossover), 6 mic bth (mic booth), 7 bth src (booth source), 8 led check, 9 fact rst (factory reset)

5.2 MenU IteMS
5.2.1 MaSter
Select between stereo and mono.
If your sound system only disposes of mono mode, it is recommended to activate mono to make sure that the same signal is sent to all speakers.
5.2.2 lIMIter
The limiter reduces the output signal.
Select between a reduction of 0dB, -3dB, -6dB -12dB.
In order not to exceed a certain volume level, it is helpful to limit the maximum output beforehand.
5.2.3 CUe Set
Solo: Only one channel can be selected as cue source. An advantage of this variant is that you only need to switch one cue button.
Mix: Several channels can be selected simultaneously as cue source.
5.2.4 TlKOVr (TAlKOVEr)
Determines how much the signal will be suppressed by the mic signal.
-6dB, -12dB, -18dB, -24dB
Adapt the EQ‘s bass and high crossover frequencies to your requirements.
5.2.6 MIC bTH (MIC bOOTH)
ON: The mic signal is also sent via the booth output.
OFF: The mic signal is not sent via the booth output. If the case may be, the OFF setting can prevent feedback.
5.2.7 bTH SrC (bOOTH SOUrCE)
With the help of this function an individual signal can be routed to the booth output.
5.2.8 led CheCk
All LEDs will be activated in order to check their functionality.
5.2.9 FACT rST (FACTOry rESET)
If you have adjusted a setting that cannot be reversed, you can select this item to bring all settings back to default.
5.2.10 Fw UPDT (FIrMwArE UPDATE)
Activates firmware update mode.
To carry out a firmware update connect your RMX-80 Digital to a computer via -58b-. Activate firmware update mode. The RMX-80 Digital will be
recognized as USB device. Assign the current firmware to this device. The update procedure will start. The update status is shown in percent on
the display.
After a successful update the RMX-80 Digital will re-boot.
5.2.11 aBOUt
Shows the current firmware version.
5.2.12 exIt
The mixing console starts anew.
6. teChnICal SpeCIfICatIOnS
Type: ................................................. Classic Club Mixer
Power supply: ................................. AC 100 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions: ..................................... 320 x 107.5 x 382.4 mm
Weight: ............................................. 6.8 kg
Line/CD: ........................................... 10k ohm / -14 dBV (200 mV)
Phono: .............................................. 47k ohm / -50 dBV (3.16 mV)
Aux: .................................................. 10k ohm / -14 dBV (200 mV)
Mic 1: ................................................. 6.8k ohm / -54 dBV (1.99 mV), unbalanced
Mic 2: ................................................ 6.8k ohm / -54 dBV (1.99 mV)
Return: ............................................. 10k ohm / -10 dBV (316 mV), Level VR at 100%
Master: ............................................. 1k ohm / 0 dBV (1 V) +/-2 dB
Balanced: ......................................... 600 ohm / 0 dBV (1 V) +/-2 dB
Booth: ............................................... 600 ohm / 0 dBV (1 V) +/-2 dB
Rec: ................................................... 1k ohm / -10 dBV (316 mV) +/-2 dB
Send: ................................................ 1k ohm / -10 dBV (316 mV) +/-2dB
Phones: ............................................ 33 ohm / -3 dBV (708 mV) +/-2 dB
Frequency Range: .......................... 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Frequency Increase/Decrease: .... +12 dB / < -26 dB
S/n ratio:
Phono: .............................................. 85 dB
Line: .................................................. 85 dB
Aux: .................................................. 85 dB
DJ Mic: ............................................. 90 dB
Mic 2 : ............................................... 90 dB