RCBS Rifle Bullet feeder - Dillon Conversion Kit User Manual
Page 10

Note: Reference the part schematics on page 11 of this
booklet and the Bullet Feeder Instruction Manual for
more information during assembly and installation.
Bullet Seating Depth
Bullet seating depth is controlled by adjusting the Seat
Plug Stop (A) up or down. Shorter length cases may
be accommodated by moving the Retaining Ring to a
higher groove on the free floating bullet Seat Plug (B)
(Photo 20). However, larger diameter bullets may not
drop into position if the Seat Plug (B) is hanging too low.
This is a trial and error adjustment. Seat Plug Stop has
approximately 0.5” total adjustment.
Photo 20
CAM Plate
The CAM Plate on the upper portion of the Case
Activated Linkage System is used to stroke the Push
Bar on the Bullet Seating Die. With a case activating
the Linkage System and the stroke is all the way up, the
dogleg shaped black plastic CAM should trip the Push
Bar to allow a bullet to fall. Adjust the CAM (A) vertically
or CAM Plate (B) horizontally until the Push Bar (C) is
activated properly (Photo 21).
Photo 21
Bullet Feeder Mechanism
The Spring Holder (A) prevents two bullets from feeding
at the same time. The height of this must be adjusted
based on the length of the bullet being used. Loosen
the Spring Holder Cap (B) so that the assembly moves
up and down. Place a bullet into the Bullet Drop Body
cutout. Slide the Spring Holder up or down so the white
Bullet Drop Pin (C) is level with the tip of the bullet. The
Bullet Drop Pin is designed to contact the side of the
bullet and hold it in place until the next cycle. Boat Tail
bullets may require the Drop Pin to be set a little higher.
Adjust as needed (Photo 22).
Photo 22