Preparing the dies – RCBS Gold Medal Dies User Manual

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die. Should the die perform unsatisfactorily, call or write
to RCBS, explaining the problem in detail. Be sure to
mention the caliber of dies and the year of manufacture.
In most cases we can help you overcome the problem
without the inconvenience and expense of returning the
dies. If necessary, we will authorize the return of the dies.
Do not attempt to alter the dies in any way.

RCBS Customer Service
605 Oro Dam Blvd.
Oroville, CA 95965-5718
[email protected]

Cases stuck in the Sizer Die may be removed with an
RCBS Stuck Case Remover-2 Kit available from your
dealer. Or you may return the die along with your name,
address and $5.00 for shipping and handling to the above
address. We will remove the stuck case, inspect and
return the die to you.


Some Sizer Dies for bottleneck type cases have a tiny
vent hole through which trapped air escapes during resiz-
ing. Sometimes the vent hole will plug up with factory pol-
ishing compound. This compound will scratch and dent
cases unless it is removed. The dies are also coated with
a rust inhibitor which must be removed prior to use. The
Neck only Sizer dies do not have this vent hole.

Unscrew the Expander-Decapping Assembly from the die.
Insert a needle, straightened paper clip or similar object into
the vent hole. This will push the compound into the die body
and can be removed by cleaning the inside of each die
using a patch saturated with Outers Solvent. Disassemble
and clean the Seater die as well.