RCBS Gold Medal Dies User Manual

Page 11

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to near its maximum adjust-
ment. Insert the die into the
press screwing it down to
almost touch the shell hold-
er. Longer bodied cases
require the Seater die body
to be adjusted higher in the
press. Position the window
of the die to the front and set
the lock ring. Insert the bul-
let, base first, into the bullet
guide (see photo 3 at left)
and complete the bullet seat-
ing operation. Turn the thim-
ble clockwise until the bullet
is seated to the proper
depth (see photo 4 at right).
Record the thimble setting in your reloading records
to reduce set up time the next time the same bullet is
The .22 Hornet and .221 Rem Fire Ball Seat dies
require the use of an extended shell holder for bullet
seating. The extended shell holder is included in the
die set.

If the bullet will not clear the seat plug to drop into the
bullet guide, remove the thimble, allowing access to the
seat plug and guide. The seat plug can then be removed
from the top, the seat plug coarse height adjustment is
accomplished by removing the c-clip and reattaching it to a
lower notch raising the position of the seat plug.

If the thimble is at its lowest position and the bullet is not seat-
ed deeply enough in the cartridge case, follow the directions
above but raise the c-clip to a higher notch to gain bullet seat-
ing depth (see photos 5 & 6 on following page).

(Photo 4)