RCBS Pro 2000 Auto Index Reloading Press User Manual

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CAUTION: DO NOT leave powder

in the measure, as it will deteriorate
and may clog and jam the measuring
cylinder and etch the powder hopper.

Included with the Pro 2000 Auto
Index is a small and large Micrometer
Adjustment Screw for the Uniflow
Powder Measure. To allow alignment
of the linear scale index, in any
position the operator chooses, three
thin washers are included. The only
way to determine the number of
washers needed is by trial and error.
Each washer provides a 90 degree,
counter-clockwise, rotation of the
body. To set the index lines in the
position you wish, first thread the
Micrometer body into the cylinder until
snug. Note the position of the index
lines. If the alignment is not
satisfactory, remove the body and
add a washer to the body over the
Thread the body into the cylinder
again, and note the change in the
location of the index.
By adding or deleting washers, you
will be able to set the index according
to your preference. See photo B.

Photo B

Having determined how many
washers are required to properly
locate the index scale, remove the
Micrometer body from the small
powder measure cylinder. Thread the
small metering screw into the
Micrometer body ten turns. Next,
insert body and metering screw
through the front of the powder
measure casting and into the cylinder.
Screw the body into the powder
cylinder (with correct number of
washers). Make sure the washers
align in the counter bore of the
cylinder. Use the wrench flats on the
end of the body to tighten the body
Next, slip the micrometer thimble over
the shank and secure it to the

metering screw using the setscrew
that is in the top of the thimble.
Holding the cylinder halfway through
its travel, see photo C, turn the
Micrometer down as far as it will go
until the metering screw stops against
the powder measure casting.

Photo C

Loosen the setscrew and adjust the
thimble position to set the Micrometer
at the "zero" reading. See photo D.

Photo D

Rotate the powder measure cylinder
to make sure the Micrometer
Adjustment Screw is not rubbing
against the casting. If it does rub the
casting, unscrew the Micrometer one
or two graduations. Then loosen the
setscrew and re-zero the Micrometer.
Tighten the setscrew. The Uniflow
Powder Measure with the Micrometer
Adjustment Screw is ready to use.

Having determined how many
washers are required to properly
locate the index scale, remove the
Micrometer body from the large
powder measure cylinder. Drop the
metering screw into the powder
hopper, threaded end first. The screw
will drop into the hole of the cylinder
and the threaded end can be grasped
from the outside.
Holding the shank of the metering
screw, turn the body of the
Micrometer(with the correct number of
washers) onto the shank until the
threads of the body come in contact
with the cylinder. Release the shank

and thread the Micrometer body into
the powder measure cylinder. Make
sure the washers align in the counter
bore of the cylinder. Use the wrench
flats on the end of the body to tighten
the body securely.
Next, slip the Micrometer thimble
over the shank and secure it to the
metering screw using the setscrew
that is in the top of the thimble.
Holding the cylinder halfway through
its travel (see photo C) turn the
Micrometer down as far as it will go
until the metering screw stops
against the powder measure casting,
Loosen the setscrew and adjust the
thimble position to set the
Micrometer at the "zero" reading.
See photo D.
Rotate the powder measure cylinder
to make sure the Micrometer
Adjustment Screw is not rubbing
against the casting. If it is rubbing,
unscrew the micrometer one or two
graduations. Then loosen the
setscrew and re-zero the micrometer.
Tighten the setscrew and the Uniflow
Powder Measure with the Micrometer
Adjustment Screw is ready to use.

The Micrometer Adjustment feature
allows the hand loader to record the
Micrometer reading for a specific
charge of a given powder. By using
the Micrometer, you can return to
that setting at a later date when the
charge is again being used. Although
the same setting will probably not
give exactly the same charge due to
changes in powder lot, humidity and
other variables, the Micrometer
setting will be very close and save
the hand loader considerable time.