RCBS Pro 2000 Auto Index Reloading Press User Manual
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Now that you have read the
instructions and are familiar with your
Pro 2000 Auto Index, you are ready to
reload! Based on our experience, we
will explain the most efficient way to
use your new Pro 2000 Auto Index.
You may choose to change your
technique as you become more
accustomed to the function of this
tool, but for now, we strongly suggest
you use the following operating
Place your bullets in the bullet tray
and your empty cases in the left
ammo bin. The right ammo bin will be
used to catch the loaded ammunition
as it is ejected from the press.
With the handle in the up and full
back position, insert the primer strip
into the APS Priming System. Push
the primer strip in hook end first and
anvil side up until it stops firmly
against the Primer Plug. Now release
the handle and it will return to the
neutral position.
With your right hand on the handle
ball, pick up an unsized case with
your left hand and place it into Station
1. Be sure the case holder spring is
adjusted to barely touch the rim of the
case. Now smoothly pull the handle
down. This will size and deprime the
case in Station 1. Raise the handle to
the top of the stroke and smoothly
push the handle to the rear, the Shell
Plate will automatically index and you
will be able to feel the primer being
seated in the case.
You now have a sized and reprimed
case in Station 2. Insert another
unsized case into Station 1 and lower
the handle. Again, this will size and
deprime the case in Station 1, while at
the same time, expand the case in
Station 2. Raise the handle and push
to the rear to reprime the case and
then let the handle return to the
neutral position.
You now have a sized and reprimed
case in Station 2 and an expanded
case in Station 3. Insert another case
into Station 1 and lower the handle.
Station 1 and 2 will repeat the same
operation while the powder charge is
being dispensed in Station 3. Next,
raise the handle and push to the rear
and then let it return to the neutral
You now have a sized and reprimed
case in Station 2, an expanded case
in Station 3, and a powder charged
case in Station 4. Insert another case
in Station 1 and lower the handle.
Stations 1, 2 and 3 will repeat the
same operations.
Station 4 may perform a variety of
operations, depending on your
preferred reloading technique. In the
case of rifle calibers, this may be an
empty station or you may use a
Powder Checker Die. In the case of
pistol calibers, you may select to seat
in Station 4 and crimp in Station 5. As
another option, if loading pistol
rounds, you may use an RCBS Lock-
Out Die in Station 4, then, seat and
crimp in one operation in Station 5.
Whichever method you choose is fine.
Versatility is a big advantage of
owning a five station progressive
By now you should be getting the
hang of the sequence of operating
your Pro 2000 Auto index. Once the
Shell Plate has a case in all five
stations, the basic operating
procedure remains the same time
after time. Always follow this same
loading procedure:
Bullet, Case, Size, Index, Prime.
It will help you to repeat these words
to yourself each time you cycle the
Bullet, Case, Size, Index, Prime:
1. Bullet: Place bullet on case
under seat die.
2. Case: Place unsized case in
Station 1.
3. Size: Lower Handle and size
4. Index: Raise Handle to Index
the Shell Plate.
5. Prime: Push handle to rear to
prime case in Station 2.
This is the sequence that will be
repeated over and over as you
operate your Pro 2000 Auto Index.
By now, everything should be
working great. If not, reread this
portion of the instructions. If you are
still experiencing problems, give us a
call, we'd be glad to help.
IMPORTANT: Your Pro 2000 Auto
Index has been designed and
manufactured to be an automatic
indexing reloading press. Any
alteration or attempt to alter the
function of this press will void any
and all warranties offered by RCBS.
We specifically warn against any
attempt to convert this press to any
motorized method of operation.