LandAirSea GPS Tracking Key Pro Quick Start Guide User Manual
Page 5

Step 3
Download your unit.
To erase existing data on your unit place a check mark in the box labeled
“Erase data log after download”. If there is a check mark in that box the system
will erase any stored data off of its internal memory after it is done
Click the Download button on your screen.
If you receive an error message please refer to the trouble shooting guide.
Step 4
Save your data.
Once your unit is completely done downloading you will be prompted to save.
The standard(default) format for any file after its downloaded is:
mm = month of the last time the unit tracked
dd = day of the last time the unit tracked
yy = of the last time the unit tracked
If you do not rename the data, this is the name that will be given to your data
once it is saved. Never change the .las extension.
Remember where you save your data, it is important to always look at where
your file is being saved. It is a good practice to use the default folder
location: “My Tracking Data”.
Step 5
Viewing your data
At this point you will be prompted on how you would like to open your data.
There will be three options:
Google Earth (You must have this installed before you are able to
select this option. See Quick Start Guide- Satellite Images)
Street Maps ( U.S. Only ) *
Activity Report
Once you have made your selection it will be displayed for you.
* Do not select the Street Maps option if the data was not recorded in the U.S.