Introduction – JK Audio innkeeper LTD User Manual

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Innkeeper LTD allows you to send line level signals into the phone
line while maintaining excellent separation between your voice and
the caller. The balanced XLR output jack contains only the caller’s
voice, making this the perfect companion to mixers, consoles, and
PA systems that demand talk show quality audio from a phone line.

The digital hybrid connects audio signals to a standard analog
phone line without the transmit/receive crosstalk common to analog
hybrids. Its Digital Signal Processor (DSP) continuously monitors
both the phone line and audio signals to deliver excellent separa-
tion. This proprietary, dual-convergence echo canceller algorithm
can achieve separation typically exceeding 50 dB without any setup
and without sending a noise burst down the line. While this may
sound complicated, it’s all done automatically during every call.

Ready to go?
The innkeeper LTD controls and connectors are clearly marked and
ready for operation. The Features, Setup diagrams and Operation
sections on the following pages will help you answer any minor
questions that you may have. If this is your first exposure to a
hybrid, we suggest that you read the entire manual to allow you to
take advantage of all these features.

Any Questions?
Before you pick up the phone... Please thumb through the rest of
this manual. You might find those deep technical questions are
covered on later pages.