Transmitter setup, Flight modes, Computerized transmitter setup – E-flite Viking Model 12 280 BNF Basic User Manual

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IMPORTANT: Set up your transmitter before binding
your transmitter to the aircraft.

Before binding a non-computerized transmitter,
ensure all servo reversing is set to normal and trim
is at center.

Dual Rates and Expo

After fi rst fl ights, you may adjust Dual Rates
and Expo in your transmitter or refer to the
AR6335 receiver manual for Dual Rates and Expo

Flight Modes

The installed AR6335 receiver has been
programmed for operation specifi cally in this
aircraft, providing the following selectable fl ight

The fl ight modes can be changed using the Gear/
Channel 5 Switch.

Selecting Flight Modes may vary depending on
your transmitter’s Gear / Channel 5 switch type (2
position or 3 position). Refer to the provided charts
to fully understand how your transmitter switches
will operate this aircraft.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to take fi rst fl ights
in Precision Mode (Low Rate).

Precision Mode

This mode uses low rates and low gains to deliver
precise response at high airspeeds. Use this mode
to trim the aircraft and fl y fast precision maneuvers.

3D Mode

This mode uses high rates and high gains to deliver
extreme maneuverability with maximum stability at
low airspeeds. Use this mode for slow fl ying and 3D
maneuvers such as Hovers and Harriers. Flying at
high speed in this mode will cause oscillation.

NOTICE: If oscillation occurs at high speed, refer to
the Troubleshooting Guide for more information.

Transmitter Setup

2 Position Gear/Ch 5 Switch Transmitters

Precision Mode (Low Rate)

Position 0 is Precision

3D Mode (High Rate)

Position 1 is 3D Mode

Computerized Transmitter Setup

(DX6i, DX6, DX7S, DX8, DX9, DX10t and DX18)

Start all transmitter programming with a blank
ACRO model (do a model reset), then name the
model. Leave all settings at default.
DX6i only: Reverse channel 5.

IMPORTANT: After you set up your model, always
rebind the transmitter and receiver to set the
desired failsafe positions.

3 Position Gear/Ch 5 Switch Transmitters

Precision Mode (Low Rate)

Positions 0 and
1 are Precision

3D Mode (High Rate)

Position 2 is 3D

Tip: If desired, assign Gear / Channel 5 to a
2-position switch of your choice. Refer to your
computerized transmitter manual for switch
assignment instructions.

1. Set a Blank model. (DX6i only: reverse

channel 5)

2. Bind
3. Choose a Flight Mode = Gear / Ch 5

(Start with Precision Mode)

4. Go
