Post flight checklist, Prefl ight checklist, Flying tips – E-flite Carbon-Z Scimitar BNF User Manual
Page 17

Post Flight Checklist
After Flying Check List
Disconnect fl ight battery from ESC (Required for Safety and
battery life).
Power off transmitter.
Remove fl ight battery from aircraft.
Recharge fl ight battery.
After Flying Check List
Store fl ight battery apart from aircraft and monitor the battery
Make note of fl ight conditions and fl ight plan results,
planning for future fl ights.
Prefl ight Checklist
Charge fl ight battery.
Install fl ight battery in the aircraft (once it has been fully
Make sure linkages move freely.
Perform Control Direction Test with the transmitter.
Adjust fl ight controls and transmitter.
Perform a radio system Range Check.
Find a safe and open area.
Plan fl ight for fl ying fi eld conditions.
Range Check your Radio System
After fi nal assembly, range check the radio system with the E-fl ite Scimitar.
Refer to your specifi c transmitter instruction manual for range test information.
CAUTION: The Scimitar is designed for use with landing gear. Do not
hand launch this model or attempt to fl y without installing landing gear.
Damage or injury could result.
Always inspect and repair your model before fl ying. Any damage or loose link-
ages can decrease control in high-speed fl ight. Always take off into the wind,
but also be aware of cross winds on the runway. Take off in low rate without
use of mix that enables Vectored Thrust (VT).
The Scimitar is intended for intermediate pilots when VT is not used or the VT
lock is installed. VT on the Scimitar is intended for use only by intermediate-to-
advanced pilots.
The Scimitar is a powerful aircraft with a wide range of air speeds and a wide
aerobatic envelope. This model is equipped with VT and, because of this fea-
ture, you must handle the airplane with respect until you develop experience
with maneuvering with VT.
At fi rst fl ight, fl y the model in low rate. The fi rst time you use high rate,
fl y at low to medium speed. Begin using VT only at a high altitude so there is
room to maneuver.
Tip: Before takeoff set elevator trim up 2–3mm to provide the proper refl ex for
best trim pitch.
VT increases yaw. Using the twin rudders, VT can put the airplane into a fl at
spin, pin wheel or other aerobatic maneuvers at a surprisingly high rotational
speed. Perform these maneuvers only at altitudes that will give you room to
recover full control.
The VT works based on thrust (motor rpm); the higher the rpm, the higher the
thrust. The greater the angle the VT unit defl ects, the greater the yaw authority
will be, as well as the rotational speed. Remember that recovering the airplane
from a fl at spin to forward fl ight requires the VT to be turned in the opposite
direction of the spin, without decreasing power to the motor. Once you see the
rotation stop, reduce power to get the nose down and fl y out.
NOTICE: Horizon Hobby does not warranty the airplane for crash damage, with
or without use of the VT feature.
Always choose a wide-open space for fl ying your E-fl ite Scimitar. It is ideal for
you to fl y at a sanctioned fl ying fi eld. If you are not fl ying at an approved site,
always avoid fl ying near houses, trees, wires and buildings. You should also
be careful to avoid fl ying in areas where there are many people, such as busy
parks, schoolyards, or soccer fi elds. Consult local laws and ordinances before
choosing a location to fl y your aircraft.
For your fi rst fl ights, set your transmitter timer to 4 1/2 minutes. Adjust your
timer for longer or shorter fl ights once you have fl own the model. At high rate,
fl y the airplane down to the ground using 1/4 –1/3 throttle to keep enough en-
ergy for a proper fl are. Before the model touches down, always fully decrease
throttle to avoid damage to propeller, motor, ESC or other components.
Thanks to the Carbon-Z™ construction of the Scimitar, repairs to the
Z-Foam™ can be made using virtually any adhesive (hot glue, regular CA,
epoxy, etc). When parts are not repairable, see the Replacement Parts List for
ordering by item number.
NOTICE: Use of CA accelerant on your model can damage paint. DO NOT
handle model until accelerant fully dries.
NOTICE: When fi nished fl ying, never keep the airplane in the sun. Do not store
the aircraft in a hot, enclosed area such as a car. Doing so can damage
the foam.
Flying Tips