Substances, Standards, Calibration – Metrohm MVA-20 User Manual

Page 10: Results, Operation, Suppressor determination series, Manual operation, Workplace

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Application Bulletin 402/1 e

Installation instruction for MVA-20

4.2.1. Substances

In the «Substances» part settings for peak recognition and

baseline parameters are defined.

4.2.2. Standards

In the «Standards» part the concentration of the used

standard solution is defined.

4.2.3. Calibration

In the «Calibration» part the calibration method, such as DT

or MLAT, is defined as well as the regression type.

4.2.4. Results

In the «Results» part on the tab «Results» the substance is

selected for which the concentration should be calculated

and displayed.

5. Operation

5.1. Suppressor determination series

5.1.1. Manual operation

Dosing Unit «894/D1 50mL VMS» connected to Dosino

1 has to be prepared with VMS.

Suppressor standard solutions and plating bath

samples are placed on position 1 to 27 of the sample

rack using the sample vials for 50 mL (6.2747.010).

On the position after the last sample a vial with

deionized water is placed to rinse Dosino 4 after the

end of the suppressor sample series.

Fig. 14: Example positions of solutions on the sample rack
6.2041.490 for suppressor determination

5.1.2. Workplace

In the «Run» window on the tab «Determination series»

create a sample table

Fig. 15: Example sample table for suppressor determination

To run a calibration with a standard solution select

sample type S


. For a determination the sample

type S


has to be selected.

No «Sample amount» needs to be defined in the

sample table, since addition volumes for the standard

and the sample are defined in the method commands





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