Metrohm MagIC Net 2.1 User Manual
Page 6

4 Now enter the target folder for the MagIC Net installation and confirm
with [Next].
5 The dialog window Additional installation information appears where
you can select whether you want to install a client or the server:
The option workplace installs the client and the database server on your
computer. Select this option if your computer will be used as server.
With workplace only the client will be installed and with
you have to
select the database server (has to be installed in advance!) to which you
want to connect. The network server name or the IP address are accepted.
Under [Advanced...] it is possible to change the ports MagIC Net uses to
communicate with the database and administration server. If the ports are
used already, an appropriate error message will appear. Ask your system
administrator for more information about this. Continue with [Next].