Calibrated Software MP4-EX Import Assist v3 User Manual

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Added the ability to change the file creation date or the file modification date to the current date


– Mac OSX] Added the ability to import MXF files to FCP X (v10.0.6 or greater) by either ‘sending’ a FCP

X XML to FCP X or by saving a FCPX XML file to the harddrive which can then be manually imported into FCP X

Version 1.2.0

Added support for UTF8 filenames and folder paths

Added BETA support for creating self-contained MOV files

Added BETA support for embedding FCP X metadata in QT Ref MOV files or self-contained MOV files

Added BETA Support for joining BlackMagic Design Audio MXF Files with BlackMagic Design DNxHD MXF Files
in QT Ref MOV files or self-contained MOV files.

BETA Support for converting IMX AES3 Audio to PCM Audio

Added file name, filter and folder options for the QT Feature

Merged the QT Feature, FCP7 XML Feature, and Attributes Features on one panel

Removed parsing FCP Projects for the Attributes Feature or QT Feature

Installer is now ‘digitally signed’

Version 1.1.4

Deprecated creating QT Ref MOV files from a FCP Project in ‘qt ref’ feature

Added BETA support for ARRI ALEXA DNxHD MXF files in the FCP XML feature

Mac OSX now has an installer

Version 1.1.3

Added in ‘qt ref’ feature where QT Ref MOV files now have the ‘High-Quality’ check set – this seemed to only
affect DV25 QT Ref MOV files in QuickTime Player 7.6/7.7

– they would playback in Lower Quality unless the

‘High Quality’ was manually set in the “Movie Properties’ using QuickTime Player Pro 7.6/7.7.

Version 1.1.2

Fixed issue in ‘qt ref’ feature where folders created to store QT Ref MOV files in the ‘Custom’ Folder option had
only maximum

1 digit for the ‘day’ date in the folder name – now the ‘day’ date in the folder name can be 1 or 2


Version 1.1.1

QT Ref MOV files created via the ‘qt ref’ feature are now created as Read-Only

XDCAM EX MP4 RealTime MetaData

supported in the feature ‘FCP XML’

Version 1.1.0

Updated User Guide

Removed Options page and embedded options in the feature pages

This manual is related to the following products: