More information – Bully Dog 40415 gauge GT Gas tuner User Manual

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Pyrometer Calibration

What is Pyrometer Calibration?

Pyro calibration is a way to find the best temperature to use for the GT temperature warning setting for your vehicle. This will help
you prevent heat damage to your engine.

How to Calibrate Your Pyrometer

1. Return your truck to stock by uninstalling the tune. See pages 39-41 for more information.
2. Find a steep hill with a long road and a high speed limit.
3. Wait for a hot day.
4. Set up a heavy load on your vehicle.
5. Haul the load to the top of the hill.
6. Check the pyrometer temperature.
7. Add 150°F.
8. Change the temperature warning setting under Main Menu > Vehicle Setup > Set Warning Levels.

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