Bonide Weed Beater ULTRA RTS User Manual
Page 7

This product will control or suppress the following broadleaf weeds and will control or
suppress other broadleaf weeds that are susceptible to MCPA.
Annual yellow sweetclover, Aster, Austrian fieldcress, Bedstraw, Beggarticks, Betony,
Florida, Bindweed, field, Bird vetch, Bitter wintercress, Bittercress, hairy, Bitterweed,
Black-eyed Susan, Black medic, Black mustard, Blackseed plantain, Blessed thistle,
Bloodflower milkweed, Blue lettuce, Blue vervain, Bracted plantain, Brassbuttons,
Bristly oxtongue, Broadleaf dock, Broadleaf plantain, Broomweed, Buckhorn, Buckhorn
plantain, Bulbous buttercup, Bull thistle, Bullnettle, Burclover, Burdock, Burning nettle,
Burweed, Buttercup, Buttonweed, Canada thistle, Carolina geranium, Carpetweed,
Catchweed bedstraw, Catnip, Catsear, Chickweed, common, Chickweed, mouseear,
Chicory, Cinquefoil, Clover, crimson, Clover, hop, Clover, red, Clover, strawberry,
Clover, sweet, Clover, white, Cockle, Cocklebur, Common mullein, Creeping Jenny
(Creeping Charlie), Cudweed, Curly dock, Daisy, English, Daisy fleabane, Daisy,
oxeye, Dandelion, Dichondra, Dogbane, Dogfennel, Dollarweed, Elderberry, False
dandelion, Falseflax, False sunflower, Fiddleneck, Florida pusley, Frenchweed,
Galinsoga, Goathead, Goldenrod, Ground ivy, Gumweed, Hairy fleabane, Hawkweed,
Healall, Heartleaf drymary, Heathaster, Hedge bindweed, Hedge mustard, Hemp,
Henbit, Hoary cress, Hoary plantain, Hoary vervain, Horsenettle, Jimsonweed, Knawel,
Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza, Mallow, Matchweed, Mexicanweed,
Milk vetch, Morningglory, Mouseear hawkweed, Mugwort, Musk thistle, Mustard,
Narrowleaf plantain, Narrowleaf vetch, Nettle, Orange hawkweed, Oriental cocklebur,
Oxalis, Parsley-piert, Parsnip, Pearlwort, Pennygrass, Pennywort, Peppergrass,
Pepperweed, Pigweed, Pineywoods bedstraw, Plains coreopsis (tickseed), Plantain,
Poison ivy, Poison oak, Pokeweed, Poorjoe, Prairie sunflower, Prickly lettuce, Prickly
sida, Prostrate knotweed, Prostrate pigweed, Prostrate spurge, Prostrate vervain,
Puncturevine, Purslane, common, Ragweed, Red sorrel, Redroot pigweed, Redstem
filaree, Rough cinquefoil, Rough fleabane, Russian pigweed, Russian thistle, Scarlet
pimpernel, Scotch thistle, Sheep sorrel, Shepherdspurse, Slender plantain, Smallflower