Bonide Weed Beater ULTRA RTS  User Manual

Page 11

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This pesticide may be toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates and aquatic plants.

This pesticide may adversely affect non-target plants. Do not apply directly to

water, to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the

mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment

washwater or rinsate. Drift and runoff may be hazardous to aquatic organisms

in water adjacent to treated areas. Runoff of this product will be reduced by

avoiding applications when rainfall is forecasted to occur within 48 hours.

This chemical has properties and characteristics associated with chemicals

detected in groundwater. The use of this chemical in areas where soils

are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in

groundwater contamination. Application around a cistern or well may result in

contamination of drinking water or groundwater.