Bonide Weed Beater ULTRA RTS  User Manual

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Generally, the lower application rates within the specified range will provide satisfactory

control of sensitive weed species. The higher application rates within the specified

range will be required for dense infestations of perennial weeds, for adverse/extreme

environmental conditions, or for weeds beyond the appropriate growth stages.

Limitations on broadcast treatments for turfgrass on all use sites:

The maximum application rate is 6.67 pints of product per acre per application. The

maximum number of broadcast applications is limited to 2 per year with a minimum of

30 days between applications. The maximum seasonal rate is 13.34 pints of product per

acre per year (3.0 lb MCPA ae, 0.92 lb MCPP-p ae, and 0.25 lb dicamba ae per acre

per year), excluding spot treatments.

Use rates and spray volumes of this product as broadcast treatments for use on

turfgrass are presented in Table 1.

Prohibitions for application schedules:

• Do not broadcast apply when air temperatures exceed 85 °F; some injury may be

expected with spot treatments when air temperatures exceed 85°F.


1. Measure the total (entire) lawn area to be sprayed. For rectangular areas, multiply

the length by the width to obtain total square feet.

2. TO BEGIN spraying: Connect a garden hose to the hose-end sprayer. Make sure

the control valve on the nozzle is in the OFF position. Turn on water at faucet.

Point (Aim) nozzle toward lawn and turn the control valve to the ON position. Water

will automatically mix with the product. Spray evenly over the measured area.

3. SPRAY: Spray evenly over the measured area. Walk at a steady pace. This 16 fl.

oz. container will treat 10,500 sq. ft. (cool season) turfgrass or 21,000 sq. ft. (warm

season) turfgrass.

4. TO STOP spraying: Turn control valve to the OFF position. Turn off water at faucet.

To relieve (discharge) pressure, turn control valve to ON position and wait until

water stops spraying before removing sprayer from hose.