Bonide Copper Fungicide RTU  User Manual

Page 4

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Cactus - Leaf spot
Caladium - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Rhizoctonia blight
Chinese evergreen - Anthracnose, Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Leaf spot, Rhizoctonia
blight, Soft rot
Corn plant - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Botrytis blight, Leaf spot
Croton - Anthracnose, Bacterial leaf spot and blight
Devils ivy - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Rhizoctonia blight
Dieffenbachia - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Leaf spot, Rhizoctonia blight
Dracaena - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Botrytis blight, Leaf spot
Dwarf Schefflera - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Leaf spot
Earthstar - Anthracnose
English ivy - Anthracnose, Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Botrytis blight, Leaf spot,
Rhizoctonia blight
Euphorbia - Rhizoctonia blight
Fishtail palm - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Leaf spot
Grape ivy - Anthracnose, Botrytis blight, Downy mildew, Powdery mildew, Rhizoctonia blight
India-rubber tree - Leaf spot, Botrytis blight
Japanese fatsia - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Leaf spot, Rhizoctonia blight
Ladyfinger palm - Leaf spot
Lipstick vine - Botrytis blight, Leaf spot
Nephthytis - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Leaf spot, Rhizoctonia blight
Nerve plant - Rhizoctonia blight
Norfolk Island pine - Colletotrichum needle blight
Oyster plant - Leaf spot
Peperomia - Leaf spot, Rhizoctonia blight
Philodendron - Anthracnose, Botrytis blight, Leaf spot