Bonide Copper Fungicide RTU  User Manual

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Begin treatment 2 weeks before disease normally appears or when disease first appears,
and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals for as long as needed. Re-apply after rain.


Note: Do not mix Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide RTU with lime. Certain Vinifera and French
Hybrid varieties may be sensitive to copper sprays resulting in marginal leaf burn. Before
spraying these varieties, consult your State Experiment Station or make test sprays.

Downy mildew, Black rot, Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot, Powdery mildew

Spray all plant surfaces thoroughly with Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide RTU. For best
control begin treatment when new growth reaches 1/2 inch and repeat at 7 to 14 day
intervals throughout the growing season.

Gray mold (Fruit rot)

Spray all plant surfaces thoroughly with Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide RTU. For best
control begin treatment at the end of bloom and repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.


Peach leaf curl

Spray all plant surfaces thoroughly with Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide RTU. Can be used to
control peach leaf curl. Apply as a dormant spray in late fall during a period of dry weather.



African violet - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Botrytis blight, Leaf spot, Powdery mildew
Aluminum plant - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Anthracnose, Leaf spot, Rhizoctonia blight
Aralia - Anthracnose, Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Leaf spot
Areca palm - Leaf spot
Bird's nest fern - Bacterial leaf spot and blight
Boston fern - Bacterial leaf spot and blight, Botrytis blight, Rhizoctonia blight
Bromeliad - Anthracnose, Bacterial Leaf spot and blight