Bird Technologies 6150-PAGE-Datasheet User Manual


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SB II Series Signal Booster Automatic
Voice/Pager Dialer Option


Bird Technologies Group, TX RX Systems brand, 6150-PAGE automatic dialer features busy-line and no
answer detection to ensure prompt transmission of up to 4 prerecorded messages delivered
sequentially to as many as 8 standard telephones, cellular phones, voice and/or numeric pagers.
Messages to both local and long-distance calls can be transmitted.

When activated, the dialer instantly begins calling the numbers in sequence, delivering each message 1
to 3 times in a row, in accordance with the pre-selected number of dialing attempts. Plain-English
prompts walk the user through the programing process in a timely manner.



Store up to 8 telephone/pager numbers.


Choose 1- 9 calling efforts for the numbers dialed.


Select 1-3 message repeats.


Record a variable combination (maximum: 7) of instructional

outgoing messages (total elapsed time: 51 seconds).


Program up to 4 separate input channels with individually

enable/disable, entry/exit delay and activation options -- Normally
Open (N.O.), Normally Closed (N.C.), including momentary and

continuous activation for each.


Further individualize each channel by selecting the delay times,

telephone/pager numbers to be dialed and the specific outgoing
messages to be played.


Provides reliable emergency notification 24 hours a day.

Ideal for installations where Ethernet connection is not available,

so that the Remote Communication Card cannot be used.

Stand-alone AD-2000 Dialer with dry-contact interface to SBII.

Extensively programmable, offering personalized customization.

TX RX Systems Brand

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