Buffalo Technology WLI-USB-L11G User Manual

Page 13

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2.5 Basic Settings for Enterprise Networks

If you wish to connect to an Enterprise Network, your PC should connect to the nearest AirStation first.
For the connection, start the Client Manager.


After selecting MELCO Wireless LAN Client Manager program click File Menu and Select
. Define the ESS-ID there. •The value “ANY” to connect to any AirStations
network in the vicinity of your computer. Or •An “exact” value of media access
control, MAC address
to connect to the exact AirStation of your choice. The MAC
address value that applies to your network can be found on the back of the AirStation access
point and last 6 characters + GROUP. The Network Name can be any alphanumeric string in
the range of “a” to “z”, “A” to “Z” and “0” to “9” with a maximum of 32 characters (case-sensitive.)


Click OK to confirm and return to the verify connection window.


Click OK again after inputting WEP to finish with the installation as described.


The Client Manager will search for the AirStation access point on the network. The connected
AirStation will show up in the window with black font and an antenna mark should be displayed.


The connection is completed and it is ready to configure the AirStation.

2.6 Basic Settings for Peer-to-Peer Workgroups

If you wish to connect to a Peer-to-Peer workgroup, use the Network in the control panel window to:

• Check if it has NetBEUI and/or MS Network Client protocols and MS Network Client should be in

the logon network box.

If these protocols are not present, they have to be added using “add”

switch in the Network setting tab.

• Select the file and printer share and click the item. Enabling file and printer share and click OK.
• Set the correct PC name, Network Name and PC type.
• In the field Network Name define the name of the wireless network to which you want to

connect. The Network Name can be any alphanumeric string in the range of “a” to “z”, “A” to
“Z” and “0” to “9” with a maximum of 32 characters (case-sensitive).
• If there is already a Peer-to-Peer group with this name available your computer will

automatically connect to this workgroup.

• If there is not yet such a group available, your computer will automatically start one

with this name.

• Click OK to confirm and return to the Network window. If the PC is not set for the Network,

please see the next section.

∆ Using period “.” may cause the connection problem

∆ Use the same Network name for all PCs in the workgroup