Blodgett KLS-E Series User Manual
Page 9

pressure attained in the jacket and consequently the quicker the cooking process. For example,
steam pressurized at 30 p.s.i. attains a temperature of 274º Fahrenheit.
Since air is an unsuitable media through which heat may be transferred, it has been removed from
the kettle jacket during testing at the factory. The Pressure Gauge should indicate vacuum in the
jacket, in the green vacuum zone on the gauge (approximately 20-30 inches Hg), when the kettle
is cold or has been inoperative for some time. The kettle jacket is intended to function at all times
as a completely sealed self-contained chamber and it is especially advisable not to trip the safety
relief valve during inoperative periods since this will break the vacuum seal and allow air to enter
the kettle jacket.
It should be noted that Temperature Controls (thermostats) used on these particular kettles have
an ultimate high limit temperature and this setting will prevent the heating elements from ever
generating steam pressure to reach or exceed the rated working pressure of these kettles. Further
should the Temperature Control fail, an unlikely condition, and consequently the circuit to the
heating elements remain energized, the Safety Valve will blow and release steam (i.e., water) from
the self contained sealed kettle jacket and consequently lower the water level in the jacket. A
Safety Probe is incorporated in the circuit to sense depletion of the water level in the kettle jacket
and will not only activate the LOW WATER level indicator pilot light but also signal the Liquid Level
Control to switch off power and de-energize the circuit to the heating elements (preventing element
burn outs) until the water level is adequately replenished.
WARNING: The kettle and its parts are hot. Use care when
operating, cleaning and servicing the kettle.
1. Ensure that the external electrical service to kettle is on.
2. Check pressure gauge for correct cold kettle reading. Reading should be in the green area of
the gauge indicating 25 - 30 In. Hg (630 - 730 mm Hg) of vacuum. If reading is not low
enough, follow VENTING procedure in Troubleshooting section prior to using kettle.
3. Place power switch to ON position.
Preheat kettle by placing thermostat knob at „10' and wait until TEMPERATURE light goes off.
5. Add food to be cooked into kettle.
6. Place thermostat knob at required temperature setting from 1 to 10 coinciding with the following
NOTE: Preheating should not be used when cooking milk and egg food products
which adhere to hot cooking surfaces. These foods should be placed into kettle
before heating has begun.