Warning, Important – Traditions Vortek Ultralight User Manual

Page 17

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2. Place the assembled projectile into

the muzzle.

3. Start the projectile with your thumb.
4. using a ball starter, place the short shaft

on top of the bullet and push it downward

until the starter hits the top of the muzzle.

5. Push the projectile deeper into the bore

using the longer shaft of the ball starter

until it hits the muzzle.

6. With the loading jag on your ramrod,

position the ramrod on top of the

bullet inside the bore. Holding the

ramrod no further than 6” over the

bore apply firm pressure downward

until the bullet is on top of the

powder. (Holding the ramrod any

higher will increase your chances of

breaking your ramrod.)

Note: If you are using pelletized powder no not crush them

when loading the bullet. Testing has shown that crushed

or broken pellets will cause bullet-grouping problems.

7. After the bullet is seated fully

against the powder charge, mark

the ramrod at the muzzle. This will

show you that each projectile is

seated at the same depth each time.

If you change the desired powder

charge or projectile, you will need

to change the mark and make a new

one for the new charge.

8. Make sure you remove the ramrod out of the barrel before

priming and shooting the muzzleloader.


c. Pour powder from your Traditions flask into the desired

powder charge. Pour powder from the powder measure

down the barrel.


Never load powder into a gun directly from

a can, powder horn or flask. Always use

a separate calibrated powder measuring

device. A remaining spark or ember in the

barrel may cause injury or death to you,

bystanders and destroy the firearm.

d. Tap the side of the barrel to settle the powder into the

breech area.

When loading pelletized powder (Pellets):
a. Drop the desired amount of pellets into

the barrel with the igniter side down.

using a pipe cleaner to handle the pellets

makes it easier to load and keeps oil from your hands off

the pellet.


Do not break or crush the pellets when loading or

seating the projectile on top of the pellets.

This could cause inconsistent groups.


Note: Your muzzleloader is equipped with the Projectile

Alignment System (PAS), which helps ensure correct

placement of the bullet in the muzzle.

Saboted Bullets: The plastic material used in our Traditions

sabots is self-lubricating, therefore you need not pre-lube your

bullets or sabots.
1. Insert the base of the bullet into the

sabot, making certain the bullet is firmly

& fully seated against the bottom

of the sabot.