Traditions Cannon User Manual
Annon, Hooting, Nstructions

Caution: Be sure to seat ball completely. Any gap or
space between the projectile and powder charge can
cause a dangerous burst barrel. Possible bodily injury
could result.
4. Determine your target.
Caution: It is recommended that the cannon be
secured to ground prior to firing.
5. Cut approximately 6 inches of cannon fuse and
place in the touch hole. Be sure the fuse runs down
into the powder charge. The cannon is now ready to
fire. Note: To insure that the fuse is well into the pow-
der charge, it is also acceptible to install the fuse
before loading the propellent.
Caution: Do not stand directly behind the cannon
and do not let spectators gather near. Announce to all
that you are about to fire.
8. Light the fuse and all stand away at least 6 feet.
Never stand directly behind a cannon.
9. After the cannon has been fired, take a swab
dampened with a muzzleloading cleaning solvent and
run it down the bore and vent to extinguish remaining
sparks within the barrel.
10. Reloading should not commence for five minutes
after the previous shot has been fired. This will allow
sparks or glowing embers in the barrel to die out prior
to reloading.
If the cannon should fail to fire after approximately 30
seconds of fuse burning or if it appears that the fuse
has gone out, do not approach the cannon. It is pos-
sible that a bend or tear in the fuse has prevented it
from burning completely. The fuse may still be glow-
ing internally and could reignite. Wait at least five min-
utes after such a misfire has taken place to allow the
fuse to reignite or completely die out. Then approach
the cannon cautiously, remove the unburned fuse,
pour a little powder down the touch hole and insert
fresh fuse and continue to follow the firing procedure.
1. Black powder fouling is extremely corrosive and can
rust the barrel in a short time. All muzzleloading can-
nons must be cleaned thoroughly after each firing ses-
sion is completed.
2. Black powder solvent or hot soapy water or bore
cleaner can be used. Flush cleaning solution down the
barrel and out the touch hole.
3. Follow by running a patched cleaning rod down the
bore for a thorough cleaning. Depending on how your
cannon is equipped, use a brush and/or cleaning patch
on ramrod to aid in cleaning.
4. Wipe firing residue off wooden parts.
5. Thoroughly dry all parts. Note: In certain situations it
may be necessary to separate the barrel from the car-
Note: Gold cannons should only be polished with a soft
cloth. Many metal polishes contain abrasives which will
remove the gold plating from the barrel.
It is strongly recommended that you use Traditions
Cannon Fuse, A1264, which is manufactured to U. S.
Government specifications to have a burn rate of 1 foot
in 30 seconds +
- 5%.
Important: Before firing your cannon, cut a 1 foot
length of fuse, select a safe area, light it and time its
rate of burn. It should nearly equal 30 seconds. If not
do not use that lot of fuse. Always test each new lot of
fuse, Never use homemade or fuse of uncertain origin.
Caution: Always keep barrel pointed in a safe direction.
1. Put on shatterproof shooting glasses and appropri-
ate hearing protection. A cannon may shower sparks
or fragments when fired.
2. Check to be sure the cannon is unloaded:
a. Place a rod down the barrel and place a mark
on it exactly where it exits the muzzle.
b. Remove the rod and lay it along the outside of
barrel while lining up the mark at the muzzle.
c. The opposite end of the rod should reach
down the barrel and extend slightly past the touch
hole. If the ramrod is short of lining up with the touch
hole, the cannon is either loaded or obstructed and
should be disarmed and cleared before proceeding.
Caution: Never smoke while loading, shooting or han-
dling propellants. Always follow the manufacturer’s
safety precautions as listed on the propellant contain-
er. Avoid all potential ignition sources.
1. The shooter and any bystanders must wear shoot-
ing glasses and hearing protection.
2. Hold the muzzle upward, with right side toward you.
Be sure no part of the body is over or in front of the
cannon. Pour a measured charge of powder into the
barrel (see load chart).
3. Lubricate a cloth shooting patch with Traditions
Wonder Lube 1000 Plus
. Center patch onto the muz-
zle. Place the ball on top of the patch centered over
the muzzle. (If cast balls are being used, place sprue
(flat surface) facing upward.) Use a ball starter to
apply moderate pressure to push the ball and patch
into the muzzle. With a ramrod, continue to push the
ball and patch into the barrel until it is firmly seated
against the powder charge.
P.O. Box 776
1375 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, CT 06475-0776
Rev. 4/98 - 800I