Traditions Vortek Ultralight User Manual
Page 11

17. Never load a muzzleloading firearm indoors. Only load your
firearm in a location where it is safe to shoot.
18. Be certain that anyone firing this muzzleloader understands
and is willing to follow the instructions and precautions in
this manual and the fundamentals of safe firearm handling.
19. Always make certain that the safety is in the “on” position
and the hammer is in the “at rest” position when installing
the primer.
20. A great way to understand more about all types of firearms
is to take a Hunter’s Safety course.
Take time now to acquaint yourself with
your new Traditions Muzzleloader.
If you have any questions
regarding your muzzleloader
after reviewing this information,
please contact the
Traditions Customer Service Department
for assistance at 860-388-4656.
8. Never take drugs and/or drink alcoholic beverages before
and during shooting.
9. Be certain that the powder, patches and projectiles are
properly sized and measured and are loaded in the
proper sequence and that the projectile is firmly seated on
top of the propellant. See Section XI & X for proper
loading instructions.
10. use only cotton or linen shooting patches when loading
round lead balls. Do not use any type of plastic patches.
11. Never load powder into a gun directly from a can, powder
horn or flask. Always use a separate calibrated powder
measuring device. A remaining spark or ember in the barrel
may cause an ignition of the powder and cause injury or
death to you, bystanders and destroy your firearm.
12. A firearm’s safety is a mechanical device which can fail.
Always be mindful of where the safety lever is set and
routinely verify its setting. Never solely rely on any rifle’s
safety. Always treat every gun as if it were loaded and ready
to fire. Only cap or primer your muzzleloader when you are
ready to fire. uncap or unprime your muzzleloader when
you are done shooting or hunting.
13. Always disable your muzzleloader by carefully removing the
percussion cap, musket cap or 209 primer and unloading
the barrel when immediate shooting is not planned.
14. Never cap your firearm until you are ready to fire. Never
install a percussion cap, musket cap or primer on the
nipple before the gun is loaded. When loaded, a bump or
unintentional pressure could result in the discharge of the
firearms resulting in a serious accident.
15. Always store the powder, gun and percussion caps, musket
caps or primers in separate locked places. Always keep all
firearms and ammunition components secured and separate
away from children. Never store a loaded gun.
16. In the event of a misfire, assume the gun could fire at any
moment. keep gun pointed down range with the action
closed. Wait at least one minute before recapping, repriming
or removing the load from the barrel.